Common questions

Common questions

This page documents some commonly asked questions and the appropriate solutions.

How do I add potion effects to kits?

Adding potion effects to a kit is easy! Once you've made your kit, simply follow these steps:

  1. Run /kit addcommand <kit name>
  2. Use this wiki page to figure out the effect id you want to apply
  3. Wait until you see the prompt below:
  4. Enter your command in the form of 'effect {player} <id> <duration in seconds>', replacing <id> with the number on the wiki page and <duration in seconds> with the length the potion will be active for in seconds. Example (adding speed for 1 minute):
  5. Hit enter and answer yes if you'd like to add another command and no if you're done.

How do I use /<kit> commands instead of /kit select <kit>?

If you'd prefer to use commands such as '/archer' instead of '/kit select archer', you need to install an extension. This is very easy and quick to setup. Simply follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the extension from here
  2. Save the file (' into your server's plugins folder
  3. Either reload your server with /reload or restart it
  4. You're done!

How do I use kit signs?

Grab the Signs extension from here and download the JAR - put it in your plugins folder. Then run /reload on your server. Now it's time to make a sign:

  1. Place a new sign down on a wall or on the floor
  2. If you haven't changed the branding on the plugin, or you don't know what I mean your top line of the sign should be [LiteKits]
  3. If you have changed your brand, use your custom brand instead.
  4. Make the sign with the brand on the first line, and the kit name on the next line.
  5. You'll need to know these permissions:
    • LiteKits.extension.signs.create - allows the user to create a kit sign
    • LiteKits.extension.signs.delete - allows the user to remove a kit sign
    • LiteKits.extension.signs.use - allows the user to use a kit sign