Level Me


LevelMe is a plugin that allows you to configure your own leveling system and rewards. The basic idea is after breaking enough blocks or killing enough stuff you will level up. At each level the console may (or may not) execute a list of commands (depending on if its configured to) that will reward (or punish) the player.

Config (for the CB 1.7.2-R0.3 build)

Default config with extra comments


  • addExp: usage: /addExp <player> <class> <amount> Adds exp to the user
  • setLevel: usage: /setLevel <player> <class> <amount> Sets the level of the user
  • stfu: usage: /<command> toggles exp gain messages
  • levelUp: usage: /<command> shows command list
  • level: usage: /<command> <class> shows users level and exp for specified class
  • classes: usage: /<command> shows the user a list of enabled classes


  • levelup.addxp Allows user to execute the addexp command
  • levelup.setlevel Allows the user to execute the setlevel command
  • levelup.leave.<className> Allows the player to leave a class.

Whats configurable?

  1. Classes
  2. Exp gain for each mob/block on a class based system (I.E swordman can get 5 for killing enderman, while archer gets 15)
  3. Permission(s) required for a class
  4. Level up reward commands
  5. Exp cap per configurable time length
  6. HINT! Give players abilities by putting commands in to add permission nodes to the player upon leveling up!

To Do

  • Add timer to block placement to prevent xp gain on re-break.
  • Configurable messages.
  • Comment for suggestions!

My other plugins

  • Mob Randomizer - randomize the health and damage of mob spawns!
  • Combat Timer - Change the time required to wait between entities taking damage!
  • statspp - Created to be used with this plugin, gives players cool stats!

Servers using levelMe

  • CyberCraft - cybergcraft.nn.pe:25607
  • comment or message me if your server uses levelMe and I'll add it here.
Donation Info

If you really enjoy this plugin, or are thankful for me adding some request, or just have a great paying job, your welcome to donate by clicking the button on the top right. What will donations go to? My girlfriend... obviously. However, if your a cheap son of a penny pincher like me, then feel free to like my posts about updates, comment, and just show your general gratitude for my sitting at a desk for hours and hours to make these plugins just for you... well you and the other few hundred people that use it. :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 21, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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