McMMO Leveller

McMMO Leveller

Download McMMOLeveller

A guide to installing Levellers can be found on the Levellers page.

McMMOLeveller is a Leveller for LevelFlare that hooks into McMMO. It can be configured further using LevelFlare's config file. By default, fireworks (configured in the main config file) will be displayed when any McMMO skill is levelled up. If that is to your liking, you can stop reading this page now and install the Leveller.

If you would only like to enable this for certain skills (in the following examples, Axes), add this to your LevelFlare config:

  - AXES

Keep in mind that skill names should be all uppercase.

If you don't want fireworks being displayed every time you level up, but instead every few levels, you can configure the multiple in the config like so (in this example, every 5 levels):

  multiple: 5

Naturally, all of these configuration options can be used together. In the following example, fireworks are only enabled for Archery and Swords, and only displayed every 10 levels.

  multiple: 10


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