FAQ - Plugins compatibility

FAQ - Plugins compatibility


SimpleClans 1 (2.4.1)

  1. Change use_async_chat_event to true at Legendchat's config file.
  2. Make sure you have {bprefix} in your channel format.

SimpleClans 2 (Above 2.4.1) - NOT LEGACY

  1. Change use_async_chat_event to true at Legendchat's config file.
  2. Needs SimpleClansChat to work (turn off complete-mode and turn on compatibility-mode)
  3. Open Legendchat's config.yml
  4. Add {clan} to the channel format (like {prefix})
  5. Change
    text_to_tag: []
    - 'clan;-clan'

SimpleClans Legacy

  1. Change use_async_chat_event to false at Legendchat's config file.
  2. Make sure you have {bprefix} in your channel format.


Factions V1.8.2

  1. Open %server%/plugins/Factions/conf.json and set chatSetFormat to true

Factions V2.0.0

  1. Open %server%/mshop/factions_mconf/instance.json and set chatSetFormat to true

Factions V2.3.0

  1. Open %server%/mshop/factions_mconf/instance.json, set chatSetFormat to true
  2. Open %server%/mshop/mcore_mconf/instance.json and set usingRecipientChatEvent to false

Didn't find the plugin?

Send a PM to PauloABR asking how to solve.
