Languages and Translation

This page is for obtaining and translating LanguageAPI itself into other languages. Here is "lang-eng.yml", the translation for the English language:

personal-locale-set: Your personal locale was set to {0}
no-perms: You do not have permission to use this command
server-locale-set: Server default locale was set to {0}
unknown-language-code: Unknown language: {0}

You can translate it into another language and save it as "lang-???.yml" where ??? is the 3-letter ISO language code for that language as can be found here: ISO 639-2 Lanugage Code List. In the case of languages with multiple 3-letter codes, you should save a copy as each code.

Once you have done this, please post them as a comment here in the following format:

File name(s): lang-???.yml, lang-???.yml and so on for every multiple.
<<code yaml>>
[contents of your lang-???.yml file]

You will be listed on the main page as a Translator if your translation is accepted.


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