main/How to use

How to use:

Players can type /landmines help to get the commands. At the moment there is only one other command, which is /plant. In the future I am planning to add a /defuse command, but I'm not quite sure how that will work yet.The idea for defusing has gone in a new direction. Instead of using a command, I'm going to try to find a way to use shears to defuse the landmines, making it seem a bit more realistic.

When players type /plant their name is added to a list. They then need to right click on the block they wish to turn into a landmine with flint in their hand. They must also have 3 iron blocks in their inventory (Changeable in the config). It will remove the item set in the config and place the landmine. Players are now also removed from the list once the landmine is placed. Hopefully preventing people from running around planting them like there's no tomorrow.


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