How to use rewards.yml

In order to give rewards to players for their killstreak, "Rewards_Enabled" must be true inside the config.

You are able to give a player items, and issue commands within the rewards system. I am going to show you an example of how to do both.

You can give rewards for individual killstreaks or give a reward for every kill a person gets. Maybe you want to reward your players with money everytime they kill another player. That is possible within the killStats rewards system.

red = Required
blue = Optional

Format: ItemID:DataValue Amount Enchantment:Level name:The_Name lore:The_Lore

To input a space into item name or lore items, use an underscore("_").
To input a new line into lore items, use a semi-colon(";").

To issue a command within the rewards file just simply do "command;*command goes here* as one of the rewards.

Below is an example of a valid rewards.yml file with all of the options above.

    - command;/eco give 50
    - 373:16273 2
    - 264 10
    - command;/xp give 825

    - 264 25
    - 276 1 sharpness:2 fireaspect:1 name:Killer_Sword

    - 264 25
    - 276 1 sharpness:4 fireaspect:2's_boss_sword lore:Lore_1;Lore_2;Lore_3
    - 264 25
    - 276 1 sharpness:2 fireaspect:1 name:Killer_Sword

    - 264 25
    - 276 1 sharpness:4 fireaspect:2's_boss_sword lore:Lore_1;Lore_2;Lore_3


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