Config Explanation


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Config Explanation

debug - Toggles debug mode, shows extra information in the console

useFancyConsole - Toggles fancy colours for our console messages

quitSelection - Do you want to exit selection mode after creating a port?

overrideTeleport - Override other plugins teleportation?

afterEffect - Enable after effects? (Note, if the beginEffect is longer than the teleport, the effect will carry on)

afterEffects - List all the effects you wish to add

  • CONFUSION - The name of the effect
    • duration - The time in server ticks that this will last (20 ticks = 1 second)
    • amplifier - The strength of the potion effect

beginEffect - Enable effects before teleportation?

beginEffects - List all the effects you wish to add

  • BLINDNESS - The name of the effect
    • duration - The time in server ticks that this will last (20 ticks = 1 second)
    • amplifier - The strength of the potion effect

teleportDelay - How long until the teleport should commence (If beginEffect is enabled, the effect will start immediately, then this timer will count. Once again, in server ticks)

triggers - Choose the triggers you want to use

  • sneak - When the player starts to sneak inside the port
  • sprint - When the player starts to sprint inside the port
  • jump - When the player jumps inside the port
  • fall - When the player falls inside a port (Maybe a button to trigger pistons, or use it in an end portal style?)
  • fireArrow - When the player fires an arrow from a bow
  • throwEgg - When the player throws an egg

portDefaults - The defaults for when you make a new port

  • description - The default description
  • enabled - Enabled by default?
  • instant - No trigger is used for this port, teleports immediately
  • price - Sets the price of a port


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