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Jukes 1.0

Jam out!

Hello everyone. This is my third released plugin for bukkit, but probably at least my twentieth overall.

Jukes is a superior JukeBox handling plugin. Using Jukes you allow admins and users to create Jukes that repeat a single song, many songs, or shuffle songs. They can be turned on and off at will, and drop all discs deposited into them when broken. Jukes are also protected from breaking, pistons, and explosions.

Plugin Tutorial

To use jukes, users must have the taien.jukes.create permission. Then you simply place a jukebox on the ground, look at it, and type /juke upgrade. This will upgrade it to a Juke, and the price for doing so is set in the plugin's config file. After this, you can load records into as you would a normal jukebox. Instead of getting filled with a single record, the Juke can hold ALL of them. Then, you use the following commands to determine how you want it to run:

  • /juke power - turns the Juke on and off
  • /juke shuffle - switches between normal repetition and shuffling repetition
  • /juke mode - switches between single and multiple mode. By default the Juke is set to single, which will repeat a single disc. It must be in multiple mode to play all discs in succession or to shuffle.
  • /juke empy - empties all the discs out of the Juke. Alternatively, you can break the Juke, but then you'll have to pay the setup fee again when you place it.
  • /juke next (or n) - skips to the next track

Users with taien.jukes.admin will be able to destroy and load other users' Jukes.

Plugins Supported

  • Vault is REQUIRED for this plugin.

Next Version (1.1)

  • Ability to limit how many Jukes players can own(admins will override this of course)
  • Extension of the taien.jukes.admin permission to all functions of a Juke
  • Addition of the 'broken' record (record 11), which I didn't feel I needed to include until I thought about it more (people could use it for dungeons)
  • Suggestions?


Version 1.0

  • Released!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 15, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Feb 15, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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