3.0 Config

#If true data will be stored in memory, if false data will be stored in a file
StoreInMemory: false
#If StoreInMemory is true, SaveMemoryOnShutdown set to true will save data to a file on stops or restarts and will load the
#to memory when the server starts
SaveMemoryOnShutdown: true
#If true all JGroupChat chat messages will be stored in a file
LogChat: false
#If true color codes will be shown in the log file
ColorCodesInLog: false
#If true and !playerdisplayname is used in the ChatLine below, the display name will be turned into the username in the log 
LogUseUsername: true
#This is the date used in the log. MM is month, dd is day, yyyy is year, HH is hour, mm is minute, and ss is seconds
LogDate: "MM-dd-yyyy/HH:mm:ss"
#Below are chat names that can't be created. Keep 'all' below so it doesn't get mixed up with the '/chat clear all' command
- all
#Below the help colors can be changed. Note: The chat color/format/magic codes are &0-9, &a-f, and &k-o.
HelpColor: "&f"
#Below is the max length of a chat name, not including color, format, or magic values.
MaxChatCharacters: 16

#Below are configurable user command messages
#Below is the line shown if a player does not have the required permissons for the used JGroupChat command.
DenyPermission: "You do not have access to this command."
#Below is the beginning of a line that is shown if a player enters a JGroupChat command incorrectly.
WrongCommandUsage: "The use is"
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the chat name), !playerdisplayname (This is the player's display name),
#!message (This is the message the player is sending), !player (This is the player's username)
ChatLine: "!chatname&f: <!playerdisplayname&f> !message"
#Usable args - !length (This will be the MaxChatCharacters value above)
TooLongChatLength: "The chat name must be less than !length characters."
#Usable args - !currentchat (This is the chat the sender is currently in)
LeaveChatBeforeJoin: "You must leave your current chat before joining a different chat."
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the chat name already in use)
ChatNameInUse: "The chat name '!chatname&f' is already in use. Please choose a different chat name."
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the chat name being created)
CreatedChat: "You have created the chat: '!chatname&f'"
NotInChat: "You are not in a chat."
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the chat you leave), !playerdisplayname (This is the player display name leaving the chat),
#!player (This is the player name leaving the chat)
ChatLeave: "!chatname&f: !playerdisplayname&f has left the chat."
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the chat you join), !playerdisplayname (This is the player display name joining the chat),
#!player (This is the player name joining the chat)
ChatJoin: "!chatname&f: !playerdisplayname&f has joined the chat."
#Usable args - !player (This is the player you are attempting to invite)
InviteAlreadyInChat: "!player is already in a chat."
InviteSelf: "You can not invite yourself to a chat."
#Usable args - !player (This is the player you are attempting to invite)
InviteNotOnline: "!player is not online."
#Usable args - !player (This is the player you are inviting), !chatname (This the chat you invited the player to)
InvitedSender: "You invited !player to the chat."
#Usable args - !sender (This is the player that sent the invite), !chatname (This is the chat the player is being invited to)
InvitedPlayer: "!sender invited you to join a chat."
NoInvites: "You do not have a chat invite."
DeclinedInvite: "You have declined the chat invite."
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the chat name the sender is in), !playerlist (This is the list of players in the chat)
InChatList: "The players in the chat '!chatname&f' are: !playerlist"

#Below are configurable admin command messages
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the incorrect chat name being looked up)
ChatNotExisting: "That chat '!chatname' does not exist."
RemovedAllChats: "All chats have been removed."
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the chat being removed)
RemovedAChat: "'!chatname' has been removed."
#Usable args - !chatlist (This is the list of all chats)
AllChatsList: "The current chats are: '!chatlist'"
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the attemped look up name of a chat)
NotAChat: "'!chatname' is not a chat."
#Usable args - !chatname (This is the looked up chat name), !playerlist (This is the list of players in the looked up chat)
PlayersInChat: "The player(s) in the chat '!chatname&f' are: '!playerlist'"
#Usable args - !player (This is the attemped look up of a player)
PlayerNotInAChat: "'!player' is not in a chat."
#Usable args - !player (This is the looked up player name), !chatname (This is the chat the player is in)
PlayerIsInChat: "'!player' is in the chat: '!chatname&f'"
Reload: "JGroupChat files have been reloaded."


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