
The Config

The config has currently as of 0.2.0 five main categorys. The config will be generated after the plugins first run.


The first one is "maxamountlocks", this is the max amount of locks a player may have. It does currently have no effect at all. And this will during the beta period only be a temporary solution. It will be upgrade with more options. For example you might want difrent kinds of donators to have difrent amount of available locks.


The second is "protection" and it has three subcategories, "lockondeath", "blocks" and "entities". These settings determines which blocks/entites that will be lockable. Blocks/entities that are not listed here will not be able to lock. The first category "lockondeath" has no effect. It is intended for locking items droped on death, but it doesn't work yet. The second category is "blocks". When the config is firs created it comes with some sample settings. The numbers are the id number for the blocks. 2 for example corresponds to the block grass. By adding new numbers, or removing old you set which blocks that are available for locks. It works the exact same way with the entities category, except that you have to use entity id's. You an find the id numbers here:


The price category does only have effect if you have a vault and a economy plugin hooked to it. It has to categories, "blocks" and "entities". You add a price for a lock by adding the block/entity id plus a colon character and the price. Note that not all economy plugins support prices with decimals. You can find the id numbers here:


This category sets which looks that should by default automatically be created on placement/death. You set this in the exact same way as you set the setting in the protect category. "lockondeath" does not have any effect yet. In the entity category only item frames and paintings will work, since they are the only entities that are placed. The id numbers can be found here:


The last category sets if a block should NOT be protected when placed by default. It might be useful on blocks like craft benches, or ender chests. Or on entities like mine carts. You set it in the same way as the previous categories.

Why does the plugin use ID's???

Well the biggest reason is that when a new block/entity gets added to the game you will right away be able to add it to the plugin, even without any updates.


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