JacobIRC 2.0

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


JacobIRC 2.0

A complete rewrite of the plugin, compatible with the 1.8 version!!!

Please take a moment to participate in the poll, It'll help further development ;)

Watch a timelapse of the making of this plugin here!

JacobIRC is a bridge between the in-game chat and a channel on a IRC server! Simply tell it where to connect and you can talk with your fellow players even if they are not in game! (Many IRC networks have even a web-chat so you don't even have to download an IRC client!)


Simply download the latest build, put it in the plugins folder, edit the config.yml file and profit!


(Depending on the build you are using, the config may look a bit different!)

BotName - The nick of the bot, that will connect to the IRC server on behalf of your Minecraft server
ChannelName - Name of the channel, which the bot should join
IrcServer - IP of the IRC server to join
IrcPort - Port of the server (default 6667)
RegisteredPassword - Password for the NickService. If your bot's nick is not registered, set the value to ''
Encoding - Encoding for the connection. We recommend sticking with utf-8
SendAllMessages - Should the bot forward all IRC messages to the game, or only those, where the bot is mentioned
IrcAdmins - Array! List of nicks, that are allowed to issue game commnds from the IRC (use only with registered nicks and extreme care!)
AdminErrorMsg - What should we tell the user, when he does something illegal
UserConnectMsg - What should we broadcast to the IRC when someone joins the MC server
UserDisconnectMsg - What should we broadcast to the IRC when someone leaves the MC server
MessageFormat - How should we display the IRC messages in game? (%s will be replaced by the sender's name, %m by the message, you can now use colors!, more info on colors can be found here...)
ChatFormat - How should we display the in-game messages on IRC? (%s will be replaced by the sender's name, %m by the message)


In-Game commands
/jirc [reload] - The reload argument is optional. When issued without it, plugin version is displayed, when issued with it, the plugin is reloaded. You need the jirc.jirc permission to do this...
/ircmd [command] [args] - Send a RAW line to the IRC server (e.g. KICK [channel] [client] <[message]>) (You need the jirc.ircmd permission to do this!)

IRC Commands
!version - Shows the current plugin version
!players - Lists all players on the server
!help - Lists all available commands
!cmd [command] - Send a command to the game (Your nick must be in the IrcAdmins list!)


(All permissions default to OP!)
jirc.jirc - Required to use the /jirc command
jirc.ircmd - Required to use the /ircmd command
jirc.∗ - Superperm for all the JIRC Commands...

There's more comming soon!

(We are using the PircBot library published under the GPL license by Jibble)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 19, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jun 22, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License

