Commands and Permissions

/itemspyToggles receiving alerts on/off for the player that used it.
/itemspy teleportTeleport to your most recent ItemSpy alert location.
/itemspy reloadReload the ItemSpy config.
/itemspy helpView the ItemSpy help prompt.
/itemscan <player>Scans a player's inventory for illegal items. Supports friendly names.
itemspy.*Do everything that ItemSpy is designed for.
itemspy.spyReceive alerts from ItemSpy.
itemspy.bypassPrevent alerts from being triggered by this player, globally.
itemspy.bypass.(worldname)Same as above, but per-world.
itemspy.reloadReload the ItemSpy config.
itemspy.spy.teleportTeleport to your most recent ItemSpy alert location.
itemspy.scanScan a player's inventory for illegal items.
itemspy.helpView the ItemSpy help prompt.


  • The 'itemspy.spy', 'itemspy.scan', and 'itemspy.spy.teleport' permissions automatically grant the player 'itemspy.bypass' and ''.
  • The 'itemspy.reload' permission automatically grants the player ''.


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