


worldName: world

This must be the name of the world where ItemCollector will look for the collection. The default value is "world". You'll need to change this if you want ItemCollector to look in an other dimension or if you use a different name.


minX: -100 minZ: -100 maxX: 100 maxZ: 100

Those value set the region where ItemCollector will look for the collection. This region is inside the world defined by worldName. There isn't any minY,maxY. When ItemCollector will check for a collection, it will check all the chests and entities located inside this region, for this reason you shouldn't set it to fit the entire map as this will slow down the game


collectCreatures: true

When set to true, it active the creature collection. Creatures include animal mobs, golems and villagers.

collectItems: true

When set to true, it active the items collection. Items include every block/item that can be put into a chest.

annonceInventoryItemsOnPlayerJoin: true

When set to true, it will send a message to the player when he joins the server on the status of the item collection.

annonceInventoryCreaturesOnPlayerJoin: true

When set to true, it will send a message to the player when he joins the server on the status of the creature collection.

message on player join

annonceNewItems: true

When set to true, it will broadcast a message when a new item is added to the item collection.

new item

annonceNewCreatures: true

When set to true, it will broadcast a message when a new creature is added to the creature collection.

updateItemsOnChestClosed: true

When set to true, it will re-count the items automatically when a chest, double chest or trapped chest is closed if the chest is within the region defined by minX,minZ,maxX,maxZ

updateCreaturesOnCreatureFeed: true

When set to true, it will re-count the creature automatically when a right-click is done on a creature who is within the region defined by minX,minZ,maxX,maxZ. This option must be set to TRUE if you want to broadcast the message when a new creature is added to the collection.

updateCreaturesOnCreatureDamaged: true

When set to true, it will re-count the creature automatically when a creature who is within the region defined by minX,minZ,maxX,maxZ is damaged. This option must be set to TRUE if you want to broadcast the message when a new item is added to the collection.


This list all the items that must be collected is the itemcollection is activated. It use the block ID and variant ID. The block must be set to true to be collectible.

- '1': true

'1:1': true

'1:3': false

In the previous example, the items that must be collected are only Stone (1) and Granite (1:1). Diorite (1:3) is not use in the collection.


This list all the creature that must be collected is the creaturecollection is activated. It use the bukkit name of the creature to identify the creature. The creature must also be set to true to be collectible. Every variant of horses are considered distinct from normal horse.

- chicken: true

donkey: true

horse: false

In the previous example, the creatures that must be collected are only chicken and donkey.


generateOutFile: true

When set to TRUE, this will create a JSON file with the status of the collection everytime the collection is updated. Use this feature if you want to export the data to another application, such as the ItemCollectorWebViewer


Path of the file that will be exported if generateOutputFile is set to TRUE. If it's only a filename without path, the file will be generated inside bukkit's main directory. Use slashes / instead of backslashes \


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