

iPPlugin was made for owners who was tired of keep digging up the ip and broadcast it in the chat. Instead now you can easly execute the command /ip or if you wish to broadcast your ip configured in the configuration, do /bcip . And now in version 3.1.0, you can do /setip! Which is good for users who want to easly set the message being shown in game when doing /ip, instead of always have to go into console and look for config. If you need any help with the plugin contact me, pm or post a comment.


- Let users change in the configuration color of message being sent to player when executing command /ip. ✔

- Add more information in game to the plugin. ✔

- Allow users to change message being shown when doing /ip in game. ✔

Not sure what more to add. Might remove this plugin.


- iPPlugin.info allows access to the /ipp or /ipplugin which shows menu.

- iPPlugin.help lets you use /ipp help (parent permission required. "iPPlugin.info")

- iPPlugin.reload lets you use /ipp reload (parent permission required. "iPPlugin.info")

- iPPlugin.bcip allows access to /bcip this command broadcasts the ip of the server configured in the configuration file.

- iPPlugin.setip allows access to the /setip command which you can set the message being shown when doing /ip.

In my opinion, there is no need for a permission to the /ip command, if you think anything else send me a pm, or post a comment.


Want your server here? Request by sending me a pm with server name and the server NEEDS to be using this plugin to be accepted.


I haven't published the source code of this plugin yet and I'm not planning to, if you want me too just post a comment!


If you have any errors (which should not happend) pm me the error! I'll try the best to fix.

Common errors:

Plugin not loading? Might be cause your server version doesn't match this plugins version. Test with 1.7.9 bukkit server!

Error doing a command? This should really not happend if it happends pm me, I believe the error could be the configuration file is wrong.


Thanks guys for 60+ downloads!!! This really makes me happy and wanting to make this plugin even more awesome! PLEASE! Post what I can do better in this plugin and any buggs! Also comment what you think :D

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 28, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Dec 1, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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