Player Statistics

The information and statistics described on this page are collected for each player on the server.

Data Types

Most of the player information and statistics are stored directly in the specified database fields as the indicated SQL data types (integer, varchar, etc). Some of the data is stored in SQL text fields, encoded as a JSON string. These are indicated by a data type of "JSON". These fields allow for a more dynamic storage model but make it difficult or impossible to query for specific data values in those fields. There is also a database field, "mapped", which also contains JSON encoded data comprised of all the statistics marked as MAPPED.


namevarcharAllPlayer's name.
displayNamevarcharAllPlayer's display name.
addressvarcharAllPlayer's last client address.
inventoryJSONAllPlayer's inventory. The JSON is an array of objects, in slot order. Each object describes the item in the corresponding slot. Each item's keys are "type", "data", "amount", "durability", "enchantments", and "tag".
armorJSONAllPlayer's armor. See "inventory" for encoding details.
heldItemSlotintegerAllThe inventory slot number of which item is being held.
healthintegerAllPlayer's health, from 0 to 20.
remainingAirintegerAllPlayer's remaining air from 0 to 300.
fireTicksintegerAllPlayer's remaining fire ticks from -20 to 0.
foodLevelintegerAllPlayer's food level from 0 to 20.
exhaustionfloatAllPlayer's exhaustion.
saturationfloatAllPlayer's saturation.
gameModevarcharAllLast game mode.
levelintegerAllExperience level.
expfloatAllAmount of experience gained toward next level as a percentage.
totalExperienceintegerAllTotal experience points.
potionEffectsJSONAllCurrent potion effects encoded as an array of strings.
servervarcharAllThe name of the server the player was last on.
worldvarcharAllThe name of the world the player was last in.
coordsvarcharAllThe coordinates where the player was last. The individual ordinates are separated by commas.
groupsJSONAllThe groups the player belongs to. This is only available if the Vault plugin is installed and providing permissions integration.
moneydoublev2.1The amount of money the player has. This is only available if the Vault plugin is installed and providing economy integration.
bedServervarcharAllThe name of the server where the player's bed is located.
bedWorldvarcharAllThe name of the world where the player's bed is located.
bedCoordsvarcharAllThe coordinates of the player's bed. The individual ordinates are separated by commas.
joinsintegerAllNumber of times the player has joined.
firstJointimestampAllThe date and time of the first join.
lastJointimestampAllThe date and time of the last join.
quitsintegerAllNumber of times the player has quit.
lastQuittimestampAllThe date and time of the last quit.
kicksintegerAllNumber of times the player has been kicked.
lastKicktimestampAllThe date and time of the last kick.
lastKickMessagevarcharAllThe message sent to the player during the last kick.
deathsintegerAllNumber of times the player has died.
deathCausesMAPPEDAllThe causes of the player's deaths. This is a JSON object where each key is a reason and the corresponding value is a count.
lastDeathtimestampAllThe date and time the player last died.
lastDeathMessagevarcharAllThe message sent to the player when they last died.
totalPlayersKilledintegerAllThe number of other players killed by this player. (this field was renamed from "playerKills" in v2.0)
playersKilledMAPPEDAllThe other players killed. This is a JSON object where each key is a player name and the corresponding value is a count.
playersKilledByWeaponMAPPEDAllThe weapons used to kill other players. This is a JSON object where each key is a weapon name and the corresponding value is a count.
lastPlayerKilltimestampAllThe date and time when the last player killed by this player was killed.
lastPlayerKilledvarcharAllThe name of the last player killed by this player.
totalMobsKilledintegerAllThe number of mobs killed by this player. (this field was renamed from "mobKills" in v2.0)
mobsKilledMAPPEDAllThe mobs killed. This is a JSON object where each key is a mob name and the corresponding value is a count.
mobsKilledByWeaponMAPPEDAllThe weapons used to kill mobs. This is a JSON object where each key is a weapon name and the corresponding value is a count.
lastMobKilltimestampAllThe date and time when the last mob killed by this player was killed.
lastMobKilledvarcharAllThe name of the last player killed by this player.
totalBlocksBrokenintegerv2.0The total number of blocks broken.
blocksBrokenMAPPEDAllThe blocks broken. This is a JSON object where each key is a material name and the corresponding value is a count.
totalBlocksPlacedintegerv2.0The total number of blocks placed.
blocksPlacedMAPPEDAllThe blocks placed. This is a JSON object where each key is a material name and the corresponding value is a count.
animalsTamedMAPPEDAllAnimals tamed by the player. This is a JSON object where each key is a mob name and the corresponding value is a count.
totalDistanceTraveledfloatv2.0The total distance traveled.
travelDistancesMAPPEDAllThe distances traveled by different means. This is a JSON object where each key is a travel method and the corresponding value is the number of meters travelled.
biomeDistancesMAPPEDAllThe distances traveled in each type of biome. This is a JSON object where each key is a biome name and the corresponding value is the number of meters travelled.
travelTimesMAPPEDAllThe amount of time traveled by different means. This is a JSON object where each key is a travel method and the corresponding value is the number of seconds travelled.
biomeTimesMAPPEDAllThe amount of time traveled in each type of biome. This is a JSON object where each key is a biome name and the corresponding value is the number of seconds travelled.
totalItemsDroppedintegerv2.0The total number of items dropped.
itemsDroppedMAPPEDAllThis is a JSON object where each key is a material name and the corresponding value is a count.
totalItemsPickedUpintegerv2.0The total number of items picked up.
itemsPickedUpMAPPEDAllThis is a JSON object where each key is a material name and the corresponding value is a count.
totalItemsCraftedintegerv2.0The total number of items crafted.
itemsCraftedMAPPEDAllThis is a JSON object where each key is a material name and the corresponding value is a count.
eggsThrownMAPPEDAllThis is a JSON object where each key is an egg type and the corresponding value is a count.
foodEatenMAPPEDAllThis is a JSON object where each key is an item name and the corresponding value is a count.
timesSleptintegerAllNumber of times the player has slept in a bed.
arrowsShotintegerAllNumber of arrows shot from a bow.
firesStartedintegerAllNumber of fires started with flint and steel.
fishCaughtintegerAllNumber of fish caught.
chatMessagesintegerAllNumber of chat messages sent.
portalsCrossedintegerAllNumber of nether portals crossed.
waterBucketsFilledintegerAllNumber of buckets filled with water.
waterBucketsEmptiedintegerAllNumber of water buckets emptied.
lavaBucketsFilledintegerAllNumber of buckets filled with lava.
lavaBucketsEmptiedintegerAllNumber of lava buckets emptied.
cowsMilkedintegerAllNumber of cows milked.
mooshroomsMilkedintegerAllNumber of mooshrooms milked.
mooshroomsShearedintegerv1.0+Number of mooshrooms sheared.
sheepShearedintegerAllNumber of sheep sheared.
sheepDyedintegerAllNumber of sheep dyed.
lifetimeExperienceintegerAllAmount of experience accumulated over the player's life.
itemsEnchantedintegerAllNumber of items enchanted.
itemEnchantmentLevelsintegerAllNumber of levels spent enchanting items.
sessionTimeintegerAllThe number of seconds the player has been playing for the last time they played.
totalTimeintegerAllThe total number of seconds the player has played for.
lastUpdatetimestampAllThe date and time of the last update to the record.
onlinetinyintv2.0A boolean indicating whether or not the player is currently online.


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