

Below are all commands and their permissions with some example. Sadly Bukkit Dev pages suck with formatting so I can't provide a ton of examples without the whole table jacking up. To get more examples and such in game you can use /iclaims help to find out more, or /iclaims plot ? to get details and examples about it.

/iclaims or /iclaims helpThe base/help command of help__
/iclaims plot {PLOT} -p [PLAYER] -w [WORLD]Plot teleportation command, used to teleport to your own plots, another players, another world, or another player in another plot plot1
/iclaims addmember {PLOT} {PLAYER} -w [WORLD]Add members to your plot so that they can build with youiclaims.plot.manage.addmember/iclaims addmember plot1 Herobrine
/iclaims removemember {PLOT} {PLAYER}[ALL] -w [WORLD]Remove a member or all members from your ploticlaims.plot.manage.removemember/iclaims removemember plot1 Notch
/iclaims info {PLOT} -w [WORLD]Find out basic information about your plot such as who is a member of your info plot1
/iclaims newplotUse this command to get a new plot if automatic plot assignment is disabled, or if you have not met the maximum number of newplot
/iclaims list [ALL,HERE,WORLD] [PAGE]List all the plots you have across all plot worlds, the current world you're in, or a specified worldiclaims.plot.list/iclaims list