Infinite Dispensers & Droppers


Infinite Dispensers & Droppers

What is infinite dispensers & droppers?

Infinite dispensers & droppers is a plugin that will make sure a dispenser or a dropper never will run out of items. If an item is dispensed or dropped out an "infinite dispenser or dropper" the item will be copied back to the inventory of the dispenser or dropper.

Why this plugin?

This plugin is very powerfull, because this plugin supports multiple items, items with enchantments, firework, etc. In short, every item!

This plugin is also very easy to use, it only has 2 commands, no signs, no difficult commands, no registration of the dispenser or dropper in the config.yml, no database, etc.

This plugin uses an updater, but if you want to disable it, change check-for-updates to false.


/idd dropper: this will give you an infinite dropper.

/idd dispenser: this will give you an infinite dispenser.

/idd help: this will show the help.


idd.*: this will give you permission for every /idd command. Default is op. this will give you permission for /idd help.

idd.dispenser: this will give you permission for /idd dispenser.

idd.dropper: this will give you permission for /idd dropper.


In the config you can disable worlds where the infinite dispensers and droppers won't work. Also you can change if arrows must be deleted when they hit something (they still do damage). This is to prevent lagg if you have multiple dispensers shooting arrows.


This plugin sends a little bit information to mcstats. It is nothing to worry about. Many plugins use this. Opting out this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true. Here are the results (clickable): MCStats results

Problem or bug found?

Please create a ticket :).

Known bugs

Bonemeal in a infinite dispenser won't work (in an infinite dropper it will). Ink sacs will be copied back to the inventory instead of bonemeal. Other dyes do work.


My native language is not English. If you see a mistake somewhere, please let me know. It will be appreciated. :)


Fix the known bugs.


I really love it to have your opinions, suggestions or feedback!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 4, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 10, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License

