


Do you have a public anvil station and it runs out of anvils really fast or just wanted to give your players the ability to use anvils without breaking them? Wanted to have indestructible anvils but never knew how? Look no further! Because today I bring you ImmortalAnvils. Basically, you give the permission to the whole server or certain players to use anvils without destroying them.


  • Give the ability to be immortal to a specific anvil
  • Give player the permission to set immortal anvils in their houses
  • Permissions per player. This means players with the right permission node will be able to use the anvils without doing any damage to the anvil.
  • Auto-Updater that checks for new updates


  • /immortalanvils set - Set a new immortal anvil
  • /immortalanvils delete - Remove an immortal anvil from the database
  • /immortalanvils check - Check if you're looking at an immortal anvil
  • /immortalanvils list - See a list of immortal anvils
  • /immortalanvils update - Check if there is a new update (It will not be automatically downloaded)
  • /immortalanvils help - Display a help guide


  • immortalanvils.use - Allows the player to use the anvil without causing any damage to it.
  • immortalanvils.set - Allows the player to set immortality to an anvil.
  • immortalanvils.delete - Allows the player to delete an immortal anvil.
  • immortalanvils.check - Allows the player to check if they're looking at an immortal anvil.
  • immortalanvils.list - Allows the player to see a full list of anvils already created.
  • immortalanvils.reload - Allows the player to reload the configuration file.
  • immortalanvils.update - Allows the player to run a command to check for new updates.
  • - Allows the player to run a command to see the help guide.

How Permission-Per-Player works?

Basically if you enabled this on the configuration file, players without the permission 'immortalanvils.use' will cause damage to the anvils. If the user has the right permission they will be able to use the anvil without causing damage to it. With this feature enabled you wont be able to handle specific anvils, it will apply to all the anvils on the server. That means you can't set or delete anvils while having this enabled. This feature could be a lil' buggy but I will work on it to make it better :)

How to install

Drop the JAR file into the server's plugins folder and reload or restart the server. Configure/modify the configuration file as you want :)

Known bugs

None at the moment. If you find a bug, or receive an error message on the console, please report it immediately.


  • I will be adding a new feature to this plugin so you guys can send messages when a player uses an anvil. This will be customizable so don't worry about 'i don't like this messages' :P
  • Will look for bugs and fix them

Update checks

This plugin uses Gravity Updater to keep you updated with the latest version of this plugin.

Configuration File

You can find an exact copy of the latest configuration file here.


This is not available right now. :)


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