
Thanks for checking out my plugin!!

If you like it, please leave a comment :D


This plugin will stop your users from saying "HAHA YOU FAIL". When they say "Fail" (Including failed) then the player will say "I shouldn't say the word for doing something incorrect!" and then get kicked for failing.

Scenario: = A comment, it doesn't actually show in the chat.

  • russjr08 blew up
    • Invisible to everyone else. <SomePlayer> Tries to say "lolz, fail (Configurable words)"
    • Everyone else sees <SomePlayer> I shouldn't say the word for doing something incorrect! (Configurable chat message!)
    • <SomePlayer> has been kicked "For Failing (Or other configurable text)!" (If you have essentials or your kick plugin set to broadcast kicks, otherwise it just says you quit.)

This plugin is very configurable!!

How to use:

Install iFail.jar into the "Plugins" folder in your Bukkit directory. Then stop your server (or use /reload) to enable the plugin.

  • (Optional:
  • Configure the config.yml file inside the plugins/iFail directory
  • Give users who can say configured words the iFail.bypass permission)

You are free to modify the source code as long as you don't claim it as yours :)


Feel free to create a "Github Issue" or post a comment here, I'll get back to you ASAP

My first plugin :D


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