iBroadcast XP

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Note: our current build is not compatible with the latest Bukkit snapshot (1.7.9R03). We are working on a new version!

What is?

iBroadcast XP is a newly developed plugin for broadcasting messages to the players. The plugin provides a permission-based broadcast system so you can broadcast certain messages to certain groups on your server.

The default group is assigned to everyone but you can enable/disable it if you need to. Also the delay's and prefixes per message-list is set on the message-list instead of in the global settings.

Sample configuration

The plugin can display messages to players with a certain permission, this permission is created when you add a new message list into the config.yml see example:

  enabled: true
  motd: true
  debug: false
  auto-update: true
  - 'Welcome &c{player}&f to this server'
  - 'Line 2'
  - 'Line 3'
  - '&fWelcome &c{player}&f to this server'
  - '&fWe use the &ciCrafted iBroadcast XP&f-plugin'
  - '&fThis is the default MOTD-list'
  - '&fThe serveradmin can add more if needed'
    prefix: '&1[&fTIP&1]'
    index: 0
    enabled: true
    random: true
    delay: 120
    world: world
    default-color: '&f'
    - '&1[&2First&1]&f Message 1'
    - '&c[&aSecond&c]&f Message 2'
    - '&8[&6Third&8]&f Message 3'

The motd node will toggle the motd part on and off.

As you also can see I have two different message-lists defined. The default is standard loaded but is using the permission ibroadcastxp.list.default All other permissions are defined as: ibroadcastxp.list.<message_list>


Screenshot 1

Need help?

You need help with configuring the plugin? Please visit our channel at irc.esper.net #icrafted

Bugs & Features?

Did you find any bugs or have any feature requests to enhance this plugin? Please file a ticket of post a comment!


Click here to view our roadmap.

Like the plugin?

Do you really like this plugin and want to keep it updated? Then consider donating to us because we make this plugin in our, spare, free time. And we also keep it free for you because its important for everybody to have great plugins available!



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 28, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 16, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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