
Language File

The language file (default called EN_US.yml) is found in "plugins/Hunger Games Map Generator Server" folder. You can edit this file with any text editor. Check the validity of the file's contents here. Change "language" in config.yml to the name of the language file you want to use (example: "EN_US.yml"). All messages support color codes and can have multiple lines.

NOTE: This list is no longer being updated, as the file has become quite large and the texts should be self-explanatory. The old file contents are still here for reference though.

Event Messages
NameDefaultDescriptionVariable Support1
onFirstLoginMessagessee configShown to a player (<player>) when they first log on to the server.<player>
onLoginMessagessee configShown to a player (<player>) who has been on the server before but has logged in again.<player>
onJoinGameMessagessee configShown to a player when they join a game in an arena (<arena>).<arena>
onJoinGameOpMessagessee configShown to ops when a player (<player>) joins a game in an arena (<arena>).<player>, <arena>
onLeaveGameMessagessee configShown to a player when they leave a game.none
onJoinSpectateMessagessee configShown to a player when they begin spectating.none
onLeaveSpectateMessagessee configShown to a player when they stop spectating.none
onWinMessagessee configBroadcasted to everyone when a player (<player>) wins a game in an arena (<arena>).<player>, <arena>
rulesMessagessee configShown when a player uses the /rules command.none
howtoMessagessee configShown when a player uses the /howto command.none
Command and Error Messages
NameDefaultDescriptionVariable Support1
onAttackDuringGracePeriodMessagessee configShown when a player attempts to attack during the grace period.none
onWaitForArenaToGenerateMessagessee configShown when an arena (<arena>) is not done generating but a game was started in that arena.<arena>
WrongNumOfArgsMessagessee configShown when a command was entered with the wrong number of arguments.none
ArenaExistsMessagessee configShown when an arena (<arena>) already exists and this causes an error.<arena>
ArenaNotExistsMessagessee configShown when an arena (<arena>) doesn't exist and this causes an error.<arena>
newArenaMessagessee configShown when a new arena (<arena>) is created.<arena>
PlayerOnlyCommandMessagessee configShown when a command is run by a non-player.none
InGameMessagessee configShown when a player is already in a game and this causes an error.none
NotInGameMessagessee configShown when a player is not in a game and this causes an error.none
NoVIPMessagessee configShown when a player does not have VIP permission.none
NoSponsorMessagessee configShown when a player does not have sponsoring permission.none
PlayerCannotBeSponsoredMessagessee configShown when a player (<player>) cannot be sponsored for whatever reason.<player>
PlayerCannotBeForceJoinedMessagessee configShown when a player (<player>) cannot be forced to join an arena.<player>
ItemCannotBeSponsoredMessagessee configShown when an item is not allowed to be sponsored.none
CantAffordSponsorMessagessee configShown when a player doesn't have the required quantity (<qty>) of an item (<item>) to sponsor.<item>, <qty>
WaitToSponsorMessagessee configShown when a player has recently sponsored and is not allowed to sponsor again for a given time (<time>).<time>
SponsoredMessagessee configShown when a player is sponsored by another player (<player>).<player>
SponsorMessagessee configShown when a player (<player>) sponsors someone.<player>
GameFullMessagessee configShown when a game is full in an arena (<arena>).<arena>
GameNotFullMessagessee configShown when there are not enough players in an arena (<arena>).<arena>
GameInProgressMessagessee configShown when a game is in progress in an arena (<arena>) and this causes an error.<arena>
VotingNotEnabledMessagessee configShown when voting is not enabled in an arena (<arena>).<arena>
NotEnoughVotesMessagessee configShown when there are less than <minplayers> that have voted.<minplayers>
VotedMessagessee configShown when a player votes in an arena (<arena>).<arena>
AlreadyVotedMessagessee configShown when a player has already voted in an arena.none
PlayerNotFoundMessagessee configShown when a command could not find the given player.none
ItemNotFoundMessagessee configShown when a command could not find the given item.none
onForceJoinedMessagessee configShown when a player is forced to join an arena (<arena>).<arena>
ForceJoinCompleteMessagessee configShown when a player uses the forcejoin command on an arena (<arena>).<arena>
GameStartedMessagessee configShown when a player starts a game in an arena (<arena>).<arena>
GameStoppedMessagessee configShown when a player stops a game in an arena (<arena>).<arena>
ArenaRegenerateMessagessee configShown when a player regenerates an arena (<arena>).<arena>
ArenaReloadMessagessee configShown when a player reloads an arena (<arena>).<arena>
SetFirstLoginMessagessee configShown when a player sets the first login position.none
JoinSignInfoMessagessee configShown to a player when they run /hg setsign <arena>.<arena>
JoinSignCreatedMessagessee configShown to a player when they clicked a sign to use for joining an arena (<arena>).<arena>
JoinSignFailedMessagessee configShown when a player failed to click a sign for use in joining an arena (<arena>).<arena>
StatsNotEnabledMessagessee configShown when a player requests statistics but no file was specified for "statloggerJAR".none
RankPrefixMessagessee configShown when a player requests their rank, this text appears above the list of the top (<number>) players.<number>
RankPostfixMessagessee configShown after the list of top players and before the player's current rank.none
GamesPrefixMessagessee configShown after the list of the last <number> games.<number>

1Messages with variable support will replace the variable listed with the entity related to the event. For example, the "onWinMessages" will replace "<player>" (without quotes) with the name of the winning player and "<arena>" (without quotes) with the arena they won in.