Custom loot lists

Custom loot lists

The plugin allows a server owner to create their own loot lists. The loot lists are used for generating chest loot in generated buildings. Loot lists must have the .ll file ending or else they will be ignored by the plugin.

The "custom/example.ll" list contains an example loot list.

The "custom/" file contains instructions on how to assign a loot list to a schematic.

The internal loot list can be changed as well. You can find instructions for this on the commands page.

Note that the "example.ll" file is ignored by the plugin and that it is overwritten every time the server starts or when the /hothreload command is executed.

There are two ways to start creating your own loot list:

  • Copy "example.ll" to a new filename.
  • Use the /hothsavell command to save the default list and copy it to a new filename.