
1) Configuration

example confg:

lock_horses: true
lock_horses_deny_message: This horse is already owned by %owner%
lock_horses_claim_message: You succesfully owned this horse
god_horses: false
display_owner: true
display_owner_message: '%player%''s horse'
no_horse_spawn: false
must_be_player: You must be a player!
dont_have_perm: You don't have permission!
must_be_riding: You must be riding a horse to do that!
nick_msg: You just nicknamed your horse as %nick%
direct_claim: false
owner_msg: Owner
more_than_one: You have more than one horses, nickname them and type /horse <nickname>
no_horse: You don't have any horses
tp_cost: 0
horse_teleported: Your horse has joined you
no_account: You don't have any bank account
no_horse_named: You don't have any horse with this name
nick_price: 0
autotame_price: 0

lock_horses: It allows you to lock horses (only the owner can ride it)
god_horses: Horses are invulnerables
display_owner: On true it displays the owner of the horse on the the horse, false it doesn't
no_horse_spawn: On true, no horses will spawn naturally, you can only spawn them with an egg.
direct_claim: On true, you won't need to tame a horse to own it, it will directly do it.

2) Permissions

-horseutils.nick : allows you to nickname your horse : allows you to call your horse (teleport it to you)

3) Commands

-/nickhorse <nickname>: allows you to nickname your horse (you must be riding it to type this command)
-/horse or /horse <nickname> : allows you to call your horse (teleport to you)


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