Commands and Permissions

Command List

Player Commands

All of the permissions for players can be given using the horizonprofessions.common node.

/profession (alias: /prof)
Base command for the plugin. Displays all commands available to the player.

/prof view
View your own professions.
Permission: horizonprofessions.view

/prof forget [profession]
Lose a tier in one profession.
Permission: horizonprofessions.forget

/prof claim [profession]
Claim a free tier in a profession.
Permission: horizonprofessions.claimtier

/prof reset
Reset all of your progress to zero. NOTE: This command does NOT give back any claimed tiers.
Permission: horizonprofessions.reset

/prof train [profession] [name]
Train another player in a specified profession. They will gain two levels.
Permission: horizonprofessions.train

Moderator Commands

All of the permissions for moderators can be given using the horizonprofessions.admin node.

/prof view [name]
View another players professions
Permission: horizonprofessions.view.admin

/prof forget [name]
Force a player to lose a tier in a profession.
Permission: horizonprofessions.forget.admin

/prof givetier [profession] [name]
Give a tier to a player in the specified profession
Permission: horizonprofessions.givetier

/prof reset [name]
Resets all of the player;s progress to zero.
Permission: horizonprofessions.reset.admin

Admin Commands

All permissions can be given using the horizonprofessions.* node.

/prof reload
Reload configuration
Permission: horizonprofessions.reload


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