

Highway v4.4

[!] Fixed the "Plugin already initialized!" error! Big thanks to mwkaicz! :D
[+] Some other internal bug fixes and improvements.
[-] Disabled the version checking because it does not match the Bukkit standard. First I have to rewrite it with the Curse API.

I have programmed this version with this Vault - version and the newest Bukkit-Beta-build 1.7.2-R0.3.

Highway v4.3

After many days there is a big update for highway :)
I have fully rewritten the code to get the best performance.
Here is the changelog!

[<>] Cleaning up the code and removed unused comments, imports and much more
[!] Every permission node has been changed from "hw." to "highway." and added 2 new permissions!

  • New Permissions-List:
    • 1. highway.commands.admin
    • 2.
    • 3. highway.commands.reload
    • 4. highway.modify.marker
    • 5. highway.modify.createhighway
    • 6. highway.modify.changeeffect
    • 7. highway.commands.stuck
    • 8. highway.commands.unstuck
  • 2 x New Permissions:
    • 9. highway.commands.cost
    • 10. highway.commands.stuck.prevent
  • Note: If you have the permission "highway.commands.admin" than you have also the 2 new permissions included.

[+] Added the ability to be prevented from the /stuck command
[-] Removed the "walkSpeedWithHighEffect" from the config.yml
[-] Removed the "walkSpeedWithLowEffect" from the config.yml
[+] Added "WalkSpeed" to the config.yml
[!] Removed ALL GERMAN material names!
[+] Added the ability to use every BLOCK by its name OR id from this list: klick here

  • Be sure to use BLOCKS (Note: Roses, water and lava are also Blocks ;) )!

[<>] At this time it is not recommended to use /hw changeeffect! It is only used for debug reasons.
[-] Removed every plugin logo from the "no permissions" - messages.

  • Note: If there are some left please report it :)

[+] The /help command now check the players permission.

  • This means if the player don't has the permission for "/hw marker" the command would not be displayed in the help

[<>] Some little message changes e.g.:

  • [-] Removed the smiley ":D" from the stuck message.

[+] Added console support for basic commands like reload, stuck, unstuck and changeeffect
[+] Added the ability to use color codes like &c for the following messages from the config.yml:

  • Message
  • NoPermMessage
  • PlayerPayMessage
  • Symbol
  • -> (Do not try to color the HighwayCost!)

[+] Added a version checker which is enabled by default but you can turn it off in the config.yml if you like.
[+] Many internal bug fixes and improvements.

I have programmed this version with this Vault - version and the bukkit build 1.6.2-R0.2.

Highway v4.2

[+] Improved the economy speedways

  • You can now use other blocks for the economy speedways

[!] Changed strongEffect: <true | false> TO effectType: <strong | low | none>

  • Attention: The effect type "none" don't support speed changes at this time. I will add this in further updates.

[+] Fixed the "You don't have enough money..." spam bug. Thanks to TheFifthRider for reporting this issue!

Why is this marked as an "Alpha"-Version? I have split up the whole algorithms and changed many things they need more testing.

Note I have programmed this version with this Vault - version and the bukkit build 1.5.1-R0.2.

Highway v4.0

[+] Added economy support.

  • If you want to use them, be sure you have vault and an economy system like "Essentials Eco" installed and you have enabled the economy option in the config.yml!
    • Programmed and tested with Vault - version [1.2.24] and Essentials - version [2.10.1]
  • You can enable/disable this in the config.yml
  • You can set the text and symbol of the cost/pay message
  • [+] Added a new permissionless command: /hw cost | costs
    • To get how many you have to pay to use the speed way

[+] Added many things to the config.yml Like:

  • Invert: true | false -> If you set invert to true, you have to sneak to get boosted

[+] Changed the permissions

  • If you give someone the permssion "hw.commands.admin", he/she can use all commands + the marker tool (same like hw.*)

[+] New [Alpha] commands like:

  • /hw stuck | unstuck <player>
    • Note: This command is in Alpha phase, someone who is stuck can jump away!

[!] Fixed a bug where you lost the "Speed"-potion effect. (sry for that bug)

[-] Removed ALL commands from the console because of many troubles with some commands.

  • Some of the commands should be readded in further versions

Highway v3.9

[+] Fixed a bug with the "StrongEffect: true" settings, OP's got stuck if they walk over a highway.
[+] Added an ingame command to change the "StrongEffect" to true/false (this would be automatically changed in the config.yml too)

  • [+] New permission: hw.commands.changeeffect

[+] Rewritten the item list. Now you are able to use ENGLISH or GERMAN or the ITEM-ID in the config.yml and in the commands.

[!] Rewritten the "/hw reload" command.

  • Now the command wouldn't reload the config, now this command reloads the whole plugin.
  • [!] Changed the permission from: hw.commands.admin TO hw.commands.reload

Highway v3.8

[+] Added: To many things to write ...

  • Short:
    • Block edit support (Now you can create highways by selecting the area with the blaze rod (default))
    • Effect fixed
    • 2 More groups (Now there are 5 groups, won't add more because 5 are enough ;) )
    • Now you can also use slabs instead of whole blocks ;)
    • Now you can jump without loosing the speed
    • Many new options in the config.yml
      • If you set "...Sneaking..." to true, your players get normal speed when they sneak on a highway
    • Many new permissions
    • Added many new items to use them as material for your highway (should be more in further updates)
      • In the next days we create a page with the material names.
    • ...

[-] Removed: Bugs

Highway v3.5.1 [Beta]

[+] Fixed a bug in the '/help' command.

Highway v3.5 [Beta]

[+] Added a group speed system with 3 different groups.
[+] Added a new groupConfig.yml
[+] Added permissions! :)
[+] Some more options in the config.yml!!

  • Like
    • defaultSpeedWithoutPermission
    • Effect true/false now should work

[+] We also have added some beta stuff.

  • Like groups

Highway v3.0

[+] We have fully recoded the whole code!! :)

[+] config.yml

  • We have merged the both files to one config.yml

[+] Many options!!

  • Like
    • WalkingSpeed
    • PlayerMessage

[+] We also have added some beta stuff.

Enjoy it! :)