
HelpMessage v0.6

Helping people without lifting a finger!

Hello everyone. This is my first (released) plugin for bukkit. I designed this to help curb the constant stream of questions admins and mods have to deal with regarding ingame mechanics and server-specific information such as plugins.

HelpMessage is fully customizable - you can set any number of messages, and they will be displayed at random at a preset interval. You can change the interval, the color of the brackets around "HelpMessage", the color of the title, the color of the message, and the name of the plugin itself (for ingame purposes).

Currently, only ops can change settings/messages, but I will be including permissions in the next release.


Be sure to check out my other released plugin, TreasureHunt, and help me get it moved to releases! See my signature!


  • /hm - displays information on the interval and number of messages currently loaded by the plugin.
  • /hm <messageid> - display the message identified by the id.

Op Commands:

  • /hm delay <seconds> - set the interval between help messages. Ex: /hm delay 300
  • /hm add <message> - add the message to the list of messages Ex: /hm add To go to spawn, type /spawn.
  • /hm remove <messageid> - remove the message from the list of messages (message IDs are displayed in the chat tag for the message broadcast, i.e. [HelpMessage 12] is the 12th message). Ex: /hm remove 12
  • /hm check <messageid> - same as the /hm <messageid> command. This will probably be deleted.
  • /hm display <messageid> - broadcasts the specific message to everyone. (The interval will start counting from zero again. This does not affect the last displayed message in a sequential system.) Ex: /hm display 2
  • /hm bracketcolor <colorid> - sets the color of the brackets in [HelpMessage]. Ex: /hm bracketcolor 2 Ex: /hm bracketcolor a
  • /hm titlecolor <colorid> - sets the color of the title in [HelpMessage]. Ex: /hm titlecolor 6
  • /hm messagecolor <colorid> - sets the color of the message after the tag.
  • /hm title <title> - sets the title of the plugin to the entry (no spaces allowed). I.e. IngameHelp or HelpingYou or whatever. Ex: /hm title HelperBot
  • /hm sequential <true/false> - sets the plugin to display sequentially(true) or randomly(false).
  • /hm save - saves the current message list and settings to the yml file.
  • /hm load - loads the message list and settings from the yml file.

Planned Features:

  • Permissions support

Known Bugs:

  • None!


Version 0.6

  • Fixed a minor error handling message numbers when you are not an OP.

Version 0.5

  • Added standard color handling in messages - &1, &2, etc. Enjoy :)
  • Updated to CB 1.2.3

Version 0.4a

  • Bugfix - NPE on first run of the timer from having no messages in the list
  • Bugfix - Index out of range exception if running sequential and having removed messages while the last message read was near/at the end of the list

Version 0.4

  • Updated to CB 1337.

Version 0.3a

  • Updated to CB 1185.
  • Made special improvements to the plugin to allow it to broadcast despite the current build's broadcast bug.
  • Added a function to display the messages sequentially instead of randomly.

Version 0.3

  • Released!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 21, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Sep 7, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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