
Configuration Guide

world: Hellblock
Name of the world you want hellblock to use. If this world does not exist, it will be generated for you.

spawnFromNether: true
When a player uses a portal in the nether, should they go to spawn? Otherwise it will have them type "/skyblock home"

schematic: yourschematicname
Name of the schematic you want the default hellblock to use. If you choose to do this, you must put the schematic in the "schematics" folder.

useClassicShape: false
If you didn't provide a valid schematic, do you want to use the classic "L" skyblock shape? Otherwise it will use the newer skyblock shape.

height: 150
At what "y" level should the hellblock's generate?

distance: 110
How far away should hellblocks be from each other?

protectionRange: 105
How far away should WorldGuard protect each Hellblock?

chest: air air air brown_mushroom sign red_mushroom air air air air air air lava bucket lava air air air air air air sapling bone:2 nether_stalk air air air
What should be in the starting chest? Separate each item by a space. You can define the quantity with "item:quantity".

allowPvP: deny
Should PvP be enabled on each hellblock?


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