
  # This is the main bar format, there are multiple placeholders:
  #   {health_bar} = current health bar
  #   {damage_bar} = current damage bar (max health - current health)
  #   {health}     = current health as number
  #   {max_health} = max health as number
  # You can use the § color notation to colorize the string, \n for newline
  format: "\n§8[§a{health_bar}§c{damage_bar}§7{health}§8]"

  # Character used to display the bar
  # Each one representing 100/character_count % hp
  character: "|"

  # Amount of "bar_character"s used to display the health+damage bar
  character_count: 20

  # If you set this to true, only players with the "healthbarplus.see" permission
  # can see the health bars (this sets per-player titles and needs more resources)
  use_see_permission: false

  # Ticks between manual health bar updates (0 to disable)
  update_ticks: 10
  # After how many updates it should force-update every bar (0 to disable)
  # This ignores the health cache and may not be needed
  force_update_every: 10

  # This is used to separate the health bar from other titles
  # don't change unless you are really sure what you do!
  separator: "§e§c§e"


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