

Stop the server and place the HealingTotem.jar in the plugins directory. Run the server once. If everything goes well the default config.yml and totemtypes.yml will be created. You can edit these as you wish. Start the server back up and have fun.


This plugin uses Bukkit's built in permission system. The nodes are:

  • (default true)
  • healingtotem.break (default true)
  • healingtotem.heal (default true)
  • healingtotem.damage (default true)
  • healingtotem.unlimitedbuild (default op)

Also provided is a "shortcut" node which puts build, break, heal, and damage to true:

  • healingtotem.*


IMPORTANT: Some updates may change the config.yml properties (e.g. v0.8.0). If you have an old config.yml, you might have to delete it and let the plugin generate a new one. The config.yml is small, so this should be relatively painless.

The default is probably ok. The lightning property controls lightning strikes on totem building and breaking. The quit property controls whether or not "info" messages are displayed. This file also lets you set the maximum number of totems per player. It also lets you choose the maximum stacked healing and stacked damage. The default is 4 ticks (2 hearts) per second, the whole health bar is 20 ticks.

totemsperplayer: 100
lightning: true
quiet: false
  stackedheal: 4
  stackeddamage: 4
  stackedheal: 4
  stackeddamage: 4
  stackedheal: 4
  stackeddamage: 4
  stackedheal: 4
  stackeddamage: 4


A slightly more detailed guide can be found HERE.

This is where you define the totems that can be created. Each totem requires a name, structure, range, and power. The name should be unique for each type of totem. The structure is a list of blocks. Each block has a position (relative to the other blocks) and a material. The range is in meters, from the totem's origin. The power is in health ticks; 1 tick is half a heart, 20 ticks is a full health bar. A positive power heals players (and tamed wolves) and damages mobs (and angry wolves). A negative power damages players and heals mobs.

By default totems affect players, tamed wolves, mobs, and angry wolves. The totem can be "turned off" per entity using the appropriate properties. See the example below for more details.

(NOTE: The following example only works for 0.8.2 or older. For 0.8.3 and beyond there are small changes, please check the default TotemTypes.yml until this gets updated.)

Here is an example totemtypes.yml:

  - name: minor
      - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, material: COBBLESTONE}
      - {x: 0, y: 1, z: 0, material: COBBLESTONE}
      - {x: 0, y: 2, z: 0, material: COBBLESTONE}
      - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0, material: LAPIS_BLOCK}
      - {x: 0, y: 4, z: 0, material: LAPIS_BLOCK}
    rotator: NONE
    range: 15.0
    power: 1
    # only affect players
    affectsmobs: false
    affectstamedwolves: false
    affectsangrywolves: false
  - name: normal
      - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, material: IRON_BLOCK}
      - {x: 0, y: 1, z: 0, material: IRON_BLOCK}
      - {x: 0, y: 2, z: 0, material: IRON_BLOCK}
      - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0, material: GOLD_BLOCK}
      - {x: 0, y: 4, z: 0, material: GOLD_BLOCK}
    rotator: NONE
    range: 30.0
    power: 1
    # affect everything but players
    affectsplayers: false

You might be wondering what a "rotator" is. This tells the plugin which rotations of the structure to search for:

  • NONE - Don't search for rotations (only the original structure). This is the default.
  • Y_ONLY - Search for rotations about the Y axis.
  • ALL - Search for rotations about all three axes.


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