Hardcore Ban on Death



This is the Hardcore Ban On Death plugin you can add to your server to greatly improve the Hardcore mode. It allows the server owner to specify ban times for specific groups. Each group has their own ban duration, ban message and a message if they join too early.

I will continue to support this and add many more features. If you have any suggestions please let me know through a ticket.

Installation and configuration

Place the HardcoreBanOnDeath.jar into your plugins directory. Then all you need to do is run your server.


/hbodShow a list of available commands.
/hbod reloadReload the Hardcore Ban On Death config.
/hbod versionShow the version of Hardcore Ban On Death that's running.
/hbod status <playername>Check the status of a players ban.
/hbod ban <playername>Ban the player for the duration of the group they belong to.
/hbod unban <playername>Unban the player and remove their current ban duration.
/hobd updateDownload the available update.


Click here for help with the config.yml


Negate these to restrict ops.

  • hbod.admin
    description: Required for the admin commands.
    default: op
  • hbod.exempt
    description: Makes the player/group exempt from being banned on death.
    default: op

Have a suggestion or need to report a bug?

Please use the ticket system if you have a suggestion or need to report a bug. This helps me find the problems/suggestions much easier and will also contain the required information I would need rather than looking through the comments.


Click here for the full Changelog


This plugin sends anonymous statistics about the usage to the server www.mcstats.org/. You can disable it by setting "opt-out" to true in \plugins\PluginMetrics\config.yml.


Auto-checking for updates

This plugin will check for updates using Curse's ServerMods API. It always checks the current version with the version on BukkitDev and will notify ops or any players/groups with the hbod.admin permission that there is an update available. It will never automatically download an update without the user typing /hbod update. All of the updates are downloaded from BukkitDev. These checks can be disabled in the config.yml by setting checkForUpdates to false.




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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 13, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Dec 6, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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