

Screen files need to go in the plugins\GUI Creator\Screens\ folder (it will be created automatically when the plugin runs for the first time).

Each file can have more than one screen described.

Here's how each file should look

- text:
text (optional)
the text to appear on the screen button
id (optional)
a number that is used to be able to link to this screen
hidden (optional)
set to yes to hide this screen from the main menu
can still be reached by linking
default is no
num_columns (optional)
the number of columns to divide the screen into
default is 4
the higher the number the more precision can be used
show_permission (optional)
this is the permission the player must have to be able to see this screen
if the player lacks the permission the button won't be visible at all
use to create screens for admins only, for for advanced commands that new players shouldn't see
the text you enter here is the name of the permission, you can either make up your own or use a permission that already exists
for example, you could set it to panel.admin, then the player would need the permission panel.admin to view it
the opposite of show_permission
give to players to ensure they won't see the screen/control
use to hide controls that should only be seen once, for example
show_funds (optional)
Set this to hide the screen from any player who doesn't have sufficient funds in his account
Needs Vault and an economy plugin installed
Must be an integer
Funds will not be removed from the player when they open the screen
info (optional)
the tooltip that will appear when the mouse is hovered over the button
use && to make a line break in the tooltip
text_color (optional)
the colour of the button's text
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 255,255,255,255 (white)
hover_color (optional)
the colour of the button's text when the mouse is over the button
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 150,120,50 (yellowish)
background_color (optional)
the colour of the screen's background
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 0,0,0,130 (half-transparent black)
a list of the controls to be placed on this screen
the order of the controls doesn't matter
see the controls page for more information

Regarding hiding the screen or controls, the order of priority is show_funds, then show_permission, then hidden. This means that players won't be able to see a screen they don't have permission for even if they have the required funds. And a screen will always be hidden if that is set to yes.