Item names

So, you want to know about the item names? To make it as easy as possible, I've put a name for every item (with id and data) down here. GE accepts many names, so don't worry too much about spelling it wrong.

Oh, and, for various reasons, items in red can not be traded. A lot of items that can't be gotten legitimately are still tradeable. Why? Cause I wanted to give you server owners the chance to make some items 'legit'. For example if you give away spawner eggs as rare items, they are still tradeable in survival games.

0 air

1 stone

2 grass

3 dirt

4 cobblestone

5:0 planks

5:1 pineplanks

5:2 birchplanks

5:3 jungleplanks

6:0 sapling

6:1 pinesapling

6:2 birchsapling

6:3 junglesapling

7 bedrock

8 flowingwater

9 stationarywater

10 flowinglava

11 stationarylava

12 sand

13 gravel

14 goldore

15 ironore

16 coalore

17:0 log

17:1 pinelog

17:2 birchlog

17:3 junglelog

18:0 leaves

18:1 pineleaves

18:2 birchleaves

18:3 jungleleaves

19 sponge

20 glass

21 lapislazuliore

22 lapislazuliblock

23 dispenser

24:0 sandstone

24:1 chiseledsandstone

24:2 smoothsandstone

25 noteblock

26 bedpart

27 poweredrail

28 detectorrail

29 stickypiston

30 web

31:1 longgrass

31:2 fern

32 deadbush

33 piston

34 pistonextension

35:0 whitewool

35:1 orangewool

35:2 magentawool

35:3 lightbluewool

35:4 yellowwool

35:5 limewool

35:6 pinkwool

35:7 graywool

35:8 lightgraywool

35:9 cyanwool

35:10 purplewool

35:11 bluewool

35:12 brownwool

35:13 greenwool

35:14 redwool

35:15 blackwool

36 blockmovedbypiston

37 dandelion

38 rose

39 brownmushroom

40 redmushroom

41 goldblock

42 ironblock

43:0 doublestoneslab

43:1 doublesandstoneslab

43:2 doublewoodenslab

43:3 doublecobblestoneslab

43:4 doublebrickslab

43:5 doublestonebrickslab

44:0 stoneslab

44:1 sandstoneslab

44:2 woodenslab

44:3 cobblestoneslab

44:4 brickslab

44:5 stonebrickslab

45 bricks

46 tnt

47 bookshelf

48 mossycobblestone

49 obsidian

50 torch

51 fire

52 mobspawner

53 woodenstairs

54 chest

55 redstonewireblock

56 diamondore

57 diamondblock

58 workbench

59 wheatblock

60 farmland

61 furnace

62 burningfurnace

63 signpostblock

64 woodendoorblock

65 ladder

66 rail

67 cobblestonestairs

68 wallsignblock

69 lever

70 stonepressureplate

71 irondoorblock

72 woodenpressureplate

73 redstoneore

74 glowingredstoneore

75 redstonetorchoff

76 redstonetorch

77 button

78 snowoverlay

79 ice

80 snowblock

81 cactus

82 clayblock

83 sugarcaneblock

84 jukebox

85 fence

86 pumpkin

87 netherrack

88 soulsand

89 glowstone

90 portal

91 jackolantern

92 squarecake

93 offredstonerepeater

94 onredstonerepeater

95 lockedchest

96 trapdoor

97:0 stonesilverfishblock

97:1 cobblestonesilverfishblock

97:2 stonebricksilverfishblock

98:0 stonebricks

98:1 crackedstonebricks

98:2 mossystonebricks

98:3 chiseledstonebricks

99 brownmushroomblock

100 redmushroomblock

101 ironbars

102 glasspane

103 melon

104 pumpkinstem

105 melonstem

106 vines

107 fencegate

108 brickstairs

109 stonebrickstairs

110 mycelium

111 lilypad

112 netherbricks

113 netherbrickfence

114 netherbrickstairs

115 netherwartblock

116 enchantmenttable

117 brewingstandblock

118 cauldronblock

119 endportal

120 endportalframe

121 endstone

122 dragonegg

123 redstonelamp

124 activeredstonelamp

127 cacaoplant

128 sandstonestairs

129 emeraldore

130 enderchest

131 tripwirehook

132 tripwireblock

133 emeraldblock

256 ironshovel

257 ironpickaxe

258 ironaxe

259 flintandsteel

260 apple

261 bow

262 arrow

263:0 coal

263:1 charcoal

264 diamond

265 ironingot

266 goldingot

267 ironsword

268 woodensword

269 woodenshovel

270 woodenpickaxe

271 woodenaxe

272 stonesword

273 stoneshovel

274 stonepickaxe

275 stoneaxe

276 diamondsword

277 diamondshovel

278 diamondpickaxe

279 diamondaxe

280 stick

281 bowl

282 mushroomstew

283 goldsword

284 goldshovel

285 goldpickaxe

286 goldaxe

287 string

288 feather

289 gunpowder

290 woodenhoe

291 stonehoe

292 ironhoe

293 diamondhoe

294 goldhoe

295 wheatseeds

296 wheat

297 bread

298 leatherhelmet

299 leatherbody

300 leatherlegs

301 leatherboots

302 chainmailhelmet

303 chainmailbody

304 chainmaillegs

305 chainmailboots

306 ironhelmet

307 ironbody

308 ironlegs

309 ironboots

310 diamondhelmet

311 diamondbody

312 diamondlegs

313 diamondboots

314 goldhelmet

315 goldbody

316 goldlegs

317 goldboots

318 flint

319 rawporkchop

320 cookedporkchop

321 painting

322 goldenapple

323 sign

324 woodendoor

325 bucket

326 waterbucket

327 lavabucket

328 minecart

329 saddle

330 irondoor

331 redstone

332 snow

333 boat

334 leather

335 milkbucket

336 brick

337 clay

338 sugarcane

339 paper

340 book

341 slimeball

342 storageminecart

343 poweredminecart

344 egg

345 compass

346 fishingrod

347 clock

348 glowstonedust

349 rawfish

350 cookedfish

351:0 inksack

351:1 rosered

351:2 cactusgreen

351:3 cacaobeans

351:4 lapislazuli

351:5 purpledye

351:6 cyandye

351:7 lightgraydye

351:8 graydye

351:9 pinkdye

351:10 limedye

351:11 dandelionyellow

351:12 lightbluedye

351:13 magentadye

351:14 orangedye

351:15 bonemeal

352 bone

353 sugar

354 cake

355 bed

356 redstonerepeater

357 cookie

358 map

359 shears

360 melonslice

361 pumpkinseeds

362 melonseeds

363 rawbeef

364 cookedbeef

365 rawchicken

366 cookedchicken

367 rottenflesh

368 enderpearl

369 blazerod

370 ghasttear

371 goldnugget

372 netherwart

373 potion

374 bottle

375 spidereye

376 fermentedspidereye

377 blazepowder

378 magmacream

379 brewingstand

380 cauldron

381 eyeofender

382 glinsteringmelon

383:50 creeperspawneregg

383:51 skeletonspawneregg

383:52 spiderspawneregg

383:54 zombiespawneregg

383:55 slimespawneregg

383:56 ghastspawneregg

383:57 pigzombiespawneregg

383:58 endermanspawneregg

383:59 cavespiderspawneregg

383:60 silverfishspawneregg

383:61 blazespawneregg

383:62 magmacubespawneregg

383:90 pigspawneregg

383:91 sheepspawneregg

383:92 cowspawneregg

383:93 chickenspawneregg

383:94 squidspawneregg

383:96 mooshroomspawneregg

383:98 ocelotspawneregg

383:120 villagerspawneregg

384 xpbottle

385 firecharge

386 bookandquill

387 writtenbook

388 emerald

2256 13cd

2257 catcd

2258 blockscd

2259 chirpcd

2260 farcd

2261 mallcd

2262 mellohicd

2263 stalcd

2264 stradcd

2265 wardcd

2266 11cd

If you read it all the way to the end leave a comment saying pie. :-)


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