

The flags below are grouped by the config.yml entry that will disable them. Flags in the first group will not be disabled by any configuration option. Flags are not case sensitive.

FlagDescriptionPlayer Flag
AllowTpInAllows or blocks teleporting into a claim.
AllowTpOutAllows or blocks teleporting out of a claim.
BreedingEnables or disables animal breeding.
CommandsEnables or disables using commands.
DoorBreakToggles Zombies breaking doors within the claim on Hard difficulty level.
EatAllows or blocks eating or drinking from inside the claim (including potions).
ExperienceAllows or blocks gaining experience in the claim.
FishingAllows or blocks fishing from inside the claim.
HealingEnables or disables player healing.
HungerEnables or disables the decline of the hunger bar.
InheritParentCauses a subdivision to inherit the flags set for the parent claim. Defaults true and has no effect on parent claims. It affects ALL aspects of the subdivision including commands and flag effects.
ItemDropAllows or blocks dropping items.
ItemPickupAllows or blocks picking up items.
KeepExpOnDeathToggles players losing experience if they die in the claim.
LevelAllows or blocks gaining levels in the claim.
MonsterDamageEnables or disabled damage from monsters. (Does not include Ender Dragon)
PvpEnables or disables pvp in a claim on a PvP enabled server.
PotionSplashEnables or disables reducing potion splash intensity to 0 on players.
PortalAllows or blocks the use of portals in the claim.
SiegeAllows or denies players sieging non-administrator claims.
SlimeSplitEnables or disables slimes splitting when killed.
TradingAllows or blocks villager trading.
TrapDoorAllows or denies the use of Trap Doors in the claim.

Block Event Listener

DragonEggTpToggles allowing a dragon egg to teleport while in a claim.
GrassEnables or disables the spread of grass.
IceEnables or disables the formation of ice.
IceMeltEnables or disables the melting of ice.
SnowEnables or disables snow accumulation in the claim.
SnowMeltEnables or disables snow melting in the claim.

Creature Spawn Event Listener

BreedVillagerEnables or disables villager breeding.
BuildGolemAllows or blocks building of iron golems by the player.
BuildSnowmanAllows or blocks building of snow golems.
BuildWitherAllows or blocks building of the Wither boss.
SpawnByPluginEnables or disables mob spawning by 3rd party plugins.
SpawnChunkToggles spawns that occur due to chunk generation.
SpawnEggEnables or disables mob spawning using thrown chicken eggs.
SpawnGolemEnables or disables iron golem spawning due to village population.
SpawnInvasionEnables or disables an invasion occuring in a village.
SpawnJockeyEnables or disables mobs spawning as jockeys of other mobs.
SpawnLightningEnables or disables mobs spawning due to lightning strike.
SpawnMobEnables or disables mob spawning by natural means.
SpawnerEnables or disables mob spawning by mob spawners.
SpawnerEggEnables or disables creative mode mob spawner eggs.
SpawnOtherToggles spawns that occur for any reason not handled by another flag.

Entity Damage Event Listener

DamageBlockExlpodeToggles damage caused by being in the area when a block explodes.
DamageContactToggles damage caused when a player contacts a block such as a cactus.
DamageDrownToggles damage caused by running out of air while in water.
DamageFallToggles damage caused when an player falls a distance greater than 3 blocks.
DamageBlockFallToggles damage caused by being hit by a falling block.
DamageFireToggles damage caused by direct exposure to fire.
DamageBurnToggles damage caused due to burns caused by fire.
DamageLavaToggles damage caused by direct exposure to lava.
DamageLightningToggles damage caused by being struck by lightning.
DamageMagicToggles damage caused by being hit by a damage potion or spell.
DamageMeltingToggles damage caused due to a snowman melting.
DamagePoisonToggles damage caused due to an ongoing poison effect.
DamageStarveToggles damage caused by starving due to having an empty hunger bar.
DamageSuffocateToggles damage caused by being put in a block.
DamageSuicideToggles damage by committing suicide using the command /kill.
DamageThornsToggles damage caused in retaliation to another attack by the Thorns enchantment.
DamageVoidToggles damage caused by falling into the void.
DamageWitherToggles damage caused by Wither potion effect.
DamageOtherToggles damage caused by anything not handled by other flags.

Inventory Event Listener

SpendExpToggles spending experience on Enchantments.

Leaf Decay Event Listener

LeafDecayEnables or disables leaf decay.

Player Move Event Listener

FlagDescriptionPlayer Flag
AllowEntryAllows or blocks entry into a claim.
AllowLeaveAllows or blocks leaving a claim.
NotifyEnterEnables messages upon entering claims.
NotifyExitEnables messages upon leaving claims.

Weather Event Listener

LightningToggles lightning striking in a claim.

Special Flag Rules


The PvP flag is now allowed to be used in non-administrative claims. However, there are exceptions:

  1. PvP must be enabled in server.properties for the server.
  2. The Grief Prevention combat timer is honored. You can not escape battle by running into a claim with the pvp flag off. However, pvp cannot be initiated from within the claim.
  3. When a player uses /Siege the pvp flag will become ineffective in the defenders claims.

AllowEntry & AllowLeave

These flags will always allow the claim owner to bypass the flags. You can not lock yourself in or out of a claim.

NotifyEnter & NotifyExit

In order to prevent annoying the players, these flags do not notify the owner of the claim. When setting the message, it will be displayed once and after that you will no longer see it, but other players will!


Although this is a player flag which supports trust lists and bypass, messages would occur very frequently, so it doesn't have one.