
This is the default config, if you need more clarification please comment below.

#If the plugin should auto update itself (Default: Enabled)
AutoUpdate: true

#The Prefix for sending messages.
Prefix: '&0[&6SellShop&0]&6 '

#The Title Of The Sell Shop.
Title: '&6&lSellShop'

#The items worth/value.
#Player just moves the item into the inventory and disposes it for a price.
#Its all per one of each item.
#Please remember to use '' around the format.
#Format: itemid:itemdata price
- '1:0 0.25'
- '5:1 2.1'

#Groups that allow you to have multiple in selling. So they will sell the items at a higher price.
#Format: GroupName:Multiple
#The permission will be GoldenSellShop.GroupName
  Vip: '1.25'
  Mvp: '2'
  Legend: '3'


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