Installation and configuration

Installation and configuration

  1. Download Gold2Economy.
  2. Place the .jar in your server's plugin folder.
  3. Start your server so the configuration is created.
  4. (Optional) Edit your permissions file. The permission nodes can be found in the permissions section.
  5. Navigate to Gold2Economy in your server's plugin folder.
  6. Open config.yml for editing.
  7. Change the rate to convert iron, gold and diamonds at in the rate branch if you wish.
  8. Change whether you want to be able to convert iron, gold and diamonds by putting either true or false as the value in the convert branch.
  9. Set which economy system you are using by putting true as the value. Set the other economy system to false
  10. Set permissions to true if you want to use permissions and then set the permissions system you are using to true and the other to false
  11. Save the config.yml and type /gi reload (in-game or in server console) to reload the configuration file. Alternatively stop/start/restart/reload your server


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