V1.6 Default configuration

        name: GiantShop #Shop name
        usePermissions: true #Should we use permissions? if not, everyone has access to shop, OP is admin
            permissionEngine: SuperPerms #Permission engine, can be: 'SuperPerms' for bukkit SuperPerms, 'Permissions' for theYetis Permissions, 'PEX' for PermissionsEX
        perPage: 5 #Amount of items to list per page
            buy: true #Show a global message that player X just bought a shiny new item
            gift: true #Show a global message that player X just gifted player Y a shiny new item
            sell: false #Show a global message that player X just sold a rusty old item
            useGovt: false #Should we use a global user as govt.?
            govtName: Government #Name of the govt. bank account
            useFree: false #Should we use worlds where shopping is free?
            freeWorlds: #Worlds that can use free shopping
            - world1
        type: SQLite #Database to use
        database: minecraft #Database name
        table: GiantShop #Database table name
        prefix: shop_ #Database table prefix, handy for when you have alot of tables in 1 database
            host: localhost #MySQL host
            port: 3306 #MysQL port
            user: root #MySQL user
            password: none #MySQL password