

Commands and permissions

/ghost or /g - ghostplayer.player.beghost : Turns you into a ghost and allows you to see ghosts.

/silentghost or /sg - ghostplayer.player.beghost : The same than /ghost but doesn't tell "You are a ghost now !".

/human or /h - ghostplayer.player.behuman : Turns you into a human and disallows you to see ghosts.

/silenthuman or /sh - ghostplayer.player.behuman : The same than /human but doesn't tell "You are an human now !".

/ghosthunter or /gh - ghostplayer.player.beghosthunter : Keep looking like an human but can see ghosts.

/silentghosthunter or /sgh - ghostplayer.player.beghosthunter : The same than /ghosthunter but doesn't tell "You are a ghost hunter now !".

/ghostworld <world> or /gw <world> - ghostplayer.admin.setghostworld : Remove a world from the list of the worlds where the plugin is disabled.

/humanworld <world> or /hw <world> - ghostplayer.admin.sethumanworld : Add a world to the list of the worlds where the plugin is disabled.

/removeghost <player> or /rg <player> - ghostplayer.admin.removeghost : Remove <player> from the ghosts.

/removeghosthunter <player> or /rgh <player> - ghostplayer.admin.removeghosthunter : Remove <player> from the ghosts hunters.

/clearsghost or /cg - ghostplayer.admin.clearsghosts : Clears all ghosts. May need a small restart/reload before taking any effect !

/ghostview or /gv - ghostplayer.player.ghostview : Look at the block in front of you like a ghost.

Extra Permissions

ghostplayer.player.* - Allows you to access to all players permissions.

ghostplayer.admin.* - Allows you to access to all admins permissions.

ghostplayer.* - Allows you to access to all permissions.

ghostplayer.login.silenthuman - Turns you into an human on join.

ghostplayer.login.human - Turns you into an human on join.

ghostplayer.login.silentghost - Turns you into a ghost on join.

ghostplayer.login.ghost - Turns you into a ghost on join.

ghostplayer.login.silentghosthunter - Turns you into a ghost hunter on join.

ghostplayer.login.ghosthunter - Turns you into a ghost hunter on join.

Console / Command Block

The command for the console and the command block at the same but you must specify one argument.

Ex : /ghost Skyost

Ex 2 : /sh skyost


Please stop your server when you edit the config !

AutoUpdateOnLoad - [ true | false ] : Choose if you want to enable Skyupdater.

TurnIntoGhostOnDeath - [ true | false ] : Turns players into ghost on death.

GhostsCanInteract - [ true | false ] : Allows ghosts to interact or no.

HumanWorlds - [ ex : 'WorldA' ] : Worlds where the plugin is disabled. An example is gave by default.

GhostTime - [ ex : '100' ] : Amount of time in tick for ghost duration. Set to -1 for disable it.


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