
GB.Shopper Commands

Administrator commands

The following commands all require the gbshopper.admin permission

/gbshopper reloadconfig

Reloads the configuration file from disk, all changes done to the configuration in-game will be lost.

User commands

The following commands all require the gbshopper.user permission (Given to all players by default)

Please note, there is an extensive help system in-game, access it by using /gbshopper help and /gbshopper help <command>.

/gbshopper list [SEARCHTERM]

Outputs a paginated list of items available in the shop, and if specified, limits list to items containing SEARCHTERM.


Shows list
list 3
Shows list, page 3
list dia
Shows items containing dia.
list dia 2
Shows items containing dia, page 2.

/gbshopper buy <ID/NAME> [AMOUNT]

Buys item(s) from the shop.


buy stone
Buys a stack (64) of stone.
buy seeds 96
Buys 96 seeds.
buy 3 32
Buys 32 of itemid 3 (dirt).
Not specifying amount buys a stack of the specified item.

/gbshopper sell <ID/NAME/HAND> [AMOUNT]

Sells item(s) to the shop.


sell stone
Sells a stack (64) of stone.
sell seeds 96
Sells 96 seeds.
sell 3 32
Sells 32 of itemid 3 (dirt).
sell dirt all
Sell all dirt in inventory.
sell hand
Sell item held in hand.
sell hand all
Sell all of held item in inventory.

/gbshopper price [ID/NAME]

Shows the buy/sell price (if applicable) and list of aliases for an item.


price stone
Show buy/sell prices and aliases for stone.
Show buy/sell prices and aliases for item held in hand.

/gbshopper removesign

Removes a [gbshop] sign, without having to interact with it, and risk a trade.


Remove [gbshop] sign you are currently looking at.

/gbshopper help [COMMAND]

Shows the in-game help, which has extensive help for all commands. Specify COMMAND to get extra help on that particular command.


Chattrade is a feature that enables you to shop using specially formed chat commands. By default the prefix for chattrades is !, which will be uses in the examples below. Both regular itemnames and aliases can be used in Chattrade.


Buys a stack of itemname.
Buys 96 of itemname.
!<ITEMNAME> buy 96
Buys 96 of itemname.
!<ITEMNAME> sell 32
Sells 32 of itemname.
!<ITEMNAME> sell all
Sell all in inventory of itemname.


GB.Shopper allows players to set up signs, making it a one-click stop to either sell or buy items from the shop.

Sign format

To make the signs work, they must adhere to the following format

  1. [gbshop]

The first line must always be [gbshop], if it isn't the sign isnt recognized, and will be handled just like any other normal sign.

The second line must be either an itemname or alias (can be found via /gbshopper list), id of an item or hand to make the sign sell the item you hold when you interact with it. (Hand signs can only be sold to, not bought from)

The third line is the amount in the transaction when you interact with the sign, it can be any amount, or all to sell all of the given items from your inventory (all signs can only be sold to, not bought from)

The fourth line will be updated with the prices for sell and buy (if applicable), when the shop has been created.

Interacting with signs

Left-clicking on a sign will perform a sell action, right-clicking a buy action, if the action is allowed on the item being traded on the sign.

If you want to remove a sign, without hitting it (resulting in a trade), you can use the /gbshopper removesign command. (Or, remove the block the sign is attached to).

Item(s) in hand and All signs can only be sold to, not bought from.


Following is a list of sign-examples, and what they result in

  1. [gbshop]
  2. stone
  3. 64

Trade 64 units of stone

  1. [gbshop]
  2. cobblestone
  3. 128

Trade 128 units of cobblestone

  1. [gbshop]
  2. hand

Sell whatever you have in your hand when you left-click the sign.

  1. [gbshop]
  2. 3
  3. 0

Sell all itemid 3 (dirt) from your inventory.

Easy sign setup

It is possible to setup a sign using only ingame actions, and not having to remember names of items or search the list first.

Place a sign, with the following content

  1. [gbshopsetup]

The configuration is done in 2 steps, first you select the item, and then you select the amount.

Item selection

Either left-click the sign, holding the item you want it to trade, or use left-click and right-click while holding nothing, to navigate the items available in the shop.

Hand is placed first in the shop inventory, and is used to setup the sign to accept what you are holding.

When you have set the sign to the item you want it to trade, hold shift and left-click the sign to continue to the next step.

Amount selection

If the selected item was Hand, sign setup is done, and this step is irrelevant.

Amount is changed in max stack sizes, increase amount by right-clicking the sign, decrease the amount by left-clicking.

All is placed as the lowest value, and is used to set the sign to sell all of the configured item in your inventory.

When you have set the amount the sign should trade, you hold shift and left-click the sign to finish the setup process.

Alternate command

If you wish, you can use /gbs instead of /gbshopper


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