Groups and Membership


Gateways supports a group system where you can create special player groups which you can use for various permissions settings on your gates and networks. Groups, like networks and gates, are owned by their creator and can only be edited by them. The simplest group is simply a list of player names. However, groups also can be created to link into outside plugins. The currently supported plugins are Factions and Towny. If you want me to add support for another plugin, let me know! These plugin-based groups link directly with the corresponding plugin and reflect changes from that plugin. For example, a towny group will always be up-to-date with whoever lives in that town. To create a towny or factions group, use the command '/gateways group create <groupname> <towny/factions> <townname/factiontag>'.

Gate Permissions

Gateways has a hierarchal system for determining who can do what with specific gates and networks. There are three 'standard' levels of membership: Owner, Member, and User. Owners inherit member abilities, and members inherit user abilities. There are also other 'special' groups like Revenue, which give those groups/players special relationships with the gate/network. Both groups and individual player names can be added with any combination of these membership types to your gate and networks.
The standard three-level system of membership allows precise control over how your gates are used and shared. By using the whitelist feature and the user membership, you can choose which players are allowed to activate your gate and travel through it. By using the 'member' permission, you can let other players use your gate as a link in their networks or use your network to link to their gates. And by sharing ownership, you can share in the responsibility of managing a gate/network.
The special membership options simply give those groups/members certain special relationships. For example, revenue will pay all groups and members who have that membership with the money recieved from the network/gate if it is tolled, split up evenly.


OwnerMember, UserCan delete, can edit flags
MemberUserCan use in linking to things
UserN/ACan use in a connection (only applicable if the gate whitelist flag is set)
RevenueN/AReceieves revenue from tolls

Related Commands

/gate member add <gate> <player> <type>Adds given player to the specified member list of the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate member remove <player>Removes given player from the member list of the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate group add <gate> <group> <type>Adds given group to the specified member list of the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate group remove <gate> <group>Removes given group from the member list of the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/net member add <network> <player> <type>Adds given player to the specified member list of the given
/net member remove <network> <player>Removes given player from the member list of the given
/net group add <network> <group> <type>Adds given group to the specified member list of the given
/net group remove <network> <group>Removes given group from the member list of the given
/gateways group create <name>Creates a new group with the given
/gateways group delete <group>Deletes the given
/gateways group member add <group> <player>Adds given member to given
/gateways group member remove <group> <player>Removes given member from given
/gateways group info <group>Displays a list of all members in given
/gateways group search <parameter> ...<parameter>Searches for all networks that match all the given parameters (player:<?>, owner:<?>, name:<?>)


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