Full Vanish


© by SepperlUndCo

-> Klick me! <-

!! Please Donate if you want this to be developed further on !!


This plugin allows you to join, play and leave completely undetected by other players. The only way that other player can "see" that you "must" be online is at the time they join the server. The reason for this is: if you are the only one who is online and you are vanished, any other person who want to join the server will see that someone is already online. As soon as they joined the Server, they wont see you any more. They maybe think its a bug or something.They can see your chat messages so take care what you write if u want to stay undetectable. They wont see you in the Tab-menu or if you leave or join. This plugin will also keep your hidden status during a Server reboot/reload and even after a complete Restart you will join hidden and no one will recognize that you are online! And that for free! PN me on Youtube or here on bukkit if you see a bug or anything else you want me to change.


The version 1.0 works from Bukkit 1.6.4 to 1.8.1 Spygot!

German Tutorial:

The Commands

You are free to use any of these commands to switch between hidden and un hidden status:

  • /vanish
  • /hide
  • /v
  • /h

As soon as you have the permission listed below in the tab "The requested permissions" you can use any of these commands. The default status is un hidden;


  • /info

you don't need any permission and it will send the player, who typed the command, a short message about the plugin and its version.

The Config

You can change ALL messages that were be shown in game. To do that you must go in the "/plugins/FullVanish/config.yml". In the tab "messages" you can see the categories:

  1. hide: This is the message that is shown if you hide yourself.
  2. unhide: This is the message that is shown if you un hide yourself.
  3. noConsoleSup: This message is shown if someone want to use the hide/vanish command with the console.
  4. plugin: This is the first part of the info text. The English translation is: 'The Plugin:'
  5. writtenBy: This is the second part of the info text. In Englsih you must change it to: 'is written by:'

!! Dont forget the ':' at the end of the writtenBy message. !!

The default messages were set to German. In the list "hidden" all players will be listet that are currenly hidden. You can mannualy add someone or remove him. !! But: These changes will only take effect if you completely reboot the server. An simple reload wont be doing anything! !! Have fun with being invisible!

The requested permissions:

  • either you are op
  • or you have the permission: vanish.v


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 14, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 15, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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