
This is a list of all config values for the plugin and what they do. Most of the values' functions are described in the config file, but here's a reference just in case. You can locate these values in the plugin's config.yml:

Illegal Items

  • drugs
    • This is a list of all drugs recognized by the plugin. The values that you can use here are not case-sensitive and can be located in the "Public Attributes" section of this webpage, and the metadata values for most items can be found in this list or on the Minecraft Wiki. Metadata values should be separated from the drug id by a single space.
  • drug-names
    • Not to be confused with 'drugs', which is described above. This list is used by the plugin to name the drugs in the custom messages described below. The order in which you write the names directly corresponds with the order in which you write the actual drug ids. In other words, the first element in this list will become the name of the first drug in the 'drugs' list, the second will be the name for the second, and so on.

Beatdown/Frisking Options

  • frisk-failure-dmg
    • When a cop fails to find anything on a player, he/she will lose health. This value is the number of half-hearts the cop will lose.
  • frisk-method
    • When not in beatdown mode, there are two ways a cop can frisk a player: right click on the player with a stick or hit the player with a stick. This value can be one of three different things: right-click, hit, or both, all of which should be self-explanatory.
  • beatdown-blocks
    • After a cop attempts to frisk someone, the player has two choices: run or stay. If the player chooses to run, this value is the number of blocks he/she must have moved from his/her location at the time of the attempt in the time limit described below before they can be considered "on the run" and beatdown mode is activated.
  • time-before-frisking
    • This value is the number of seconds after a cop initially tries to frisk someone before the plugin frisks the player if he/she chose to stay and comply to the cop's frisking request. This also doubles as the time constraint upon which to run away. If the time runs out and the player has not moved far enough away (according to the value of 'beatdown-blocks', as described above), he/she will be frisked.
  • beatdown-frisk-health
    • When a player is running from a cop, the conditions required before he/she can be frisked are that a cop must hit him/her when his/her health (in half-hearts) is below this number.
  • on-the-run-cooldown
    • If a player runs away from a cop, this is the number of seconds after which he/she will no longer be considered to be on the run.


NOTE: Because many of the values in the "Messages" section of the config are duplicates, only the parts before "cop-msg" or "player-msg" are shown. As such, let me explain the difference between the two right here. The difference is actually quite simple: "cop-msg" denotes a message shown to the cop, and "player-msg" denotes a message shown to the other player (the one being frisked).

ADDITIONAL NOTE: The words that you see between percent signs (%) are explained at the end of this section. In addition, the combination of an ampersand (&) and a letter or number denotes a color code. See here for more information.

  • frisk-success
    • The message that is shown upon a successful frisk
  • frisk-failure
    • The message that is shown when nothing is found on the player
  • frisk-attempt
    • The message that is shown when a cop initially tries to frisk someone
  • on-run
    • The message that is shown when a player runs away from a cop
  • not-on-run
    • The message that is shown when a player is no longer on the run
  • player-report-msg
    • The message that is shown to everyone with the proper permissions when a player is reported
  • report-delete-msg
    • The message that is shown to a player when he/she successfully deletes a report
  • plugin-update-msg
    • The message that is shown to a player when the plugin is in need of an update
  • VARIABLES (words between percent signs(%))
    • %drugname% - The name of the drug being taken from the player
    • %player% - The name of the player being frisked
    • %cop% - The name of the cop frisking the player
    • %time% - The value of time-before-frisking (see above section)
    • %reported% - The name of the player being reported
    • %snitch% - The name of the player submitting the report
    • %link% - A link to this plugin's main page

Plugin Options

  • enable-reporting
    • Set this to true if reporting is enabled. Otherwise, set this to false.
  • enable-auto-jailing
    • Set this to true if auto-jailing is enabled. Otherwise, set this to false.
  • enable-beatdown
    • Set this to true if beatdown mode is enabled. Otherwise, set this to false.
  • enable-update-checking
    • Set this to true if automatic update checking is enabled. Otherwise, set this to false.
  • update-check-interval
    • The number of minutes the plugin should wait before checking for updates
  • jails
    • A list of jail names to which the plugin will send players. Note that the plugin will pick jails at random; it will not assign a priority to any one jail.
  • time-in-jail
    • The number of seconds for which the player will be jailed. Set this to -1 to keep them locked away indefinitely.