

Version 1.3

Created for build 1.2.5-R1.0


Friends is a plugin that allows players to send and accept "friend" requests. Once two players are "friends", they cannot harm each other or each other's tamed animals. It can be used as an alternative to team based plugins, or in addition to them.

Players can unfriend each other. Once this happens, there is a configurable cooldown (defaults to 15 seconds) where the players still won't be able to harm each other.



Usage /friend <Player>

Description Send a friend request to a player, or accept a friend request from that player


Usage /unfriend <Player>

Description Remove your friend status with that player, or cancel you friend request to that player.


Usage /friends [Player]

Description Get a list of your own friends, and sent requests, or a list of friends and sent requests for the specified player.

Permission Requires permission "friends.seeothersfriends" to see other's friends.


The plugin creates a file called friends.config on first run, this allows the messages sent to players to be configured or localised.

The UnfriendCooldown configuration is the time (in seconds) after unfriending that players will not be able to fight.

Version History

1.3 - Made it case-insensitive, fixed a bug when you attempted to friend a non-existent player.

1.2 - Made tamed animals stop trying to fight if they attack a friend.

1.1 - First public release.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 15, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 17, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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