
FortunePlus is simple plugin that increases the functionality of Iron and Diamond picks that have been enchanted with Fortune. When a Fortune-enchanted Iron or Diamond pick is used on Iron or Gold ore blocks, instead of receiving an ore block, the user gets iron or gold ingots. The Fortune enchantment also affects the number of ingots dropped, just like it does on diamond ore, for example. Instead of getting your experience from smelting the ore, you get experience from breaking the block, like all the other ores.


  • Iron or Diamond Pickaxes that have been enchanted with Fortune (I, II, or III), when used on Iron or Gold ore blocks, yield Iron or Gold ingots (respectively), as well as 1 experience orb / block.
  • The number of ingots that are dropped is similar to how Fortune affects other item drops (such as coal, redstone, or diamond) :
    • Fortune I: 33% chance of dropping 2 ingots, 67% chance of dropping 1 ingot
    • Fortune II: 25% chance of dropping 2 ingots, 25% chance of dropping 3 ingots, 50% chance of dropping 1 ingot
    • Fortune III: 20% chance of dropping 2 ingots, 20% chance of dropping 3 ingots, 20% chance of dropping 4 ingots, 40% chance of dropping 1 ingot (Source).


  • /fortuneplus[b]: Tells the user which of the two ores (iron and/or gold) that FortunePlus will work for.


  • If NO permissions are given, they default to true. I've only tested this plugin with PermissionsBukkit, so compatibility with other Permissions plugins isn't guaranteed.
  • Nodes:
    • fortuneplus.iron_ore: Allows FortunePlus to work on Iron Ore
    • fortuneplus.gold_ore: Allows FortunePlus to work on Gold Ore
    • fortuneplus.*: Gives permissions for both ores.

Just add FortunePlus.jar to your plugins folder, set any permissions, and you're good to go.

V 1.0 - Initial release
V 1.1 - Removed the message sent to the player whenever they mined an Iron or Gold ore block with a Fortune-enchanted Iron or Diamond pick. Corrected a problem where the experience orbs that were received when mining Iron or Gold blocks was fixed. Now Iron and Gold blocks drop 1 experience per ore block. (The wiki says iron give .7 xp when smelted, but the .setexperience() method only accepts integers.).


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 2, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 17, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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