
You can make a sensor if you have the fortification.sensor permission. To do so place a sign on a block of your choice, with the first line of text being the type of filter you want on the sensor (blank = default), and the second line being "[Sensor]" (without quotes, not case sensitive) and a lever on the opposite end of that block. Now, in the case of the default sensor, when someone passes within 8 (or the length defined in the config file) blocks infront of the sensor it will detect their presence and activate the lever (and thus turn on any redstone near it). Filters can be applied to sensors to change how they detect people.

Sensor Filters:

  • playerdetect - Sensor detects only the two people listed on the 3rd and 4th lines of the sign.
  • playerignore - Detects everyone except the two people listed on the 3rd and 4th lines of the sign.
  • factiondetect - Detects people in the factions whose faction tags are on lines 3 and 4 of the sign (Requires factions plugin.)
  • factionignore - Detects everyone except the people in the factions whose tags are on lines 3 and 4 of the sign (Requires faction plugin.)
  • AllyDetect - Detects everyone in the faction or town/nation and allies to that faction/town/nation listed on lines 3 and 4 of the sign.
  • EnemyDetect - Detects enemies of the faction/town/nation listed on lines 3 and 4 of the sign.
  • factionAlert - Broadcasts name of detected player to everyone in the factions listed on lines 3 and 4 (requires Factions plugin)
  • townAlert - Broadcasts name of detected player to everyone in the towns listed on lines 3 and 4 (requires Towny plugin)
  • nationAlert - Broadcasts name of detected player to everyone in the nations listed on lines 3 and 4 (requires Towny plugin)
  • townDetect - Same as factiondetect except detecting people in listed towns (requires Towny plugin).
  • townIgnore - Same as factionignore except ignoring people in listed towns (requires Towny plugin).
  • nationDetect - Same as factiondetect except detecting people in listed nations (requires Towny plugin).
  • nationIgnore - Same as factiondetect except ignoring people in listed nations (requires Towny plugin).

For a full list of sensor types ingame, type "/sensor". For more info on a specific type, type "/sensor type".

Sensors can also be made to face upward or downward by putting [UpSensor] or [DownSensor] (not case sensitive) on line two of the sign instead of [Sensor], all of the above filters apply.