
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

ForcedGrammar modifies chat messages as they are sent to correct spelling and basic grammatical errors. It is capable of changing any words in a find and replace style customisable by you, as well as performing automatic grammatical corrections. The idea for this plugin came from Sabinno, here.


This is a quick run down of the plugin's abilities.

The spelling correction relies on a list of corrections that is compiled by you. A list of common misspellings is included to get you started, provided by Bradgillap.

  • Capitalise sentences
  • Ensure sentences end with full-stops
  • Correct spelling
  • Update notification
  • Enable/disable features via configuration file
  • Escape individual messages from alteration
  • Edit spelling correction list directly or with in-game commands.
  • Restrict usage with permission nodes

An example

A message like i cant do grammar. sorry about that could become I can't do grammar. Sorry about that.

In this example the plugin capitalised the first letter of each sentence, appended a full-stop onto the end of the message and corrected "cant" to "can't". However, you'll notice that the first sentence still doesn't make sense. Although ForcedGrammar can handle formal errors, it will not improve eloquence or style!

Questions? Problems?

Please visit the documentation if you want to know anything about ForcedGrammar that can't be found on this page. While this page is a summary, the documentation goes into a lot more depth.

If you would like to report an issue with the plugin then please do so using either the BukkitDev or GitHub issue trackers.

Also, if you've given yourself every permission node then you will have ForcedGrammar's fg.exempt. Make sure that you negate this if you want your chat to be corrected!

Change log

version level date changes
1.8.4 patch 7 July 2014 fixes a bug which caused regular expressions to be output into the chat
1.8.3 patch 24 May 2014 several bug fixes, see file notes. Removes wildcard feature, sorry.
1.8.2 patch 6 May 2014 this-is-still-alive update! Sorry, mostly boring things.
1.8.1 patch 12 July 2013 include missing class file


This is really just a note to say that I am open to contributions if ever anyone has any to give. The project's source is available on GitHub.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 8, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 5, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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