
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

FatGiants will spawn Giants in your world with a configurable percentage and an editable item drop.

This is based on the looong forgotten NaturalGiants plugin created by MineRealm. All credit goes to him, but I have changed it enough (I feel) to warrant a new name and title.


The Config will auto generate on first run, and looks like so

SpawnRate: 5
Health: 100
Drops: '341:8'
FireAttack: false
Worlds: world


SpawnRate: 5
Health: 100
Drops: '35:1:100000'
FireAttack: false
Worlds: world,world2,world456

The SpawnRate is a percentage based on how many Giants you would like to spawn.

  • Giants only spawn at night
  • Typically only spawn on flat ground
  • 5% is a good PERCENTAGE to start out at.

The Health is configurable, with 100 being the default, this has not been completely tested, so feedback welcome

The Drops and itemamount denote what items you want them to DROP and How many. So the default here is 8 slimeballs.

And lastly the FireAttack. Do you want the Giant to light on fire when a player is near, dealing firedamage to the Player BUT NOT the giant.


  • There are no Permissions.
  • Currently there are no plans to add extra features.
  • They will spawn in ALL worlds and if any feature is added, it will be to choose the worlds where they are allowed to spawn.

Please report any bugs regarding worlds.


If you use this plugin in conjunction with SurvivalArena, ModArena or any other plugin that will spawn giants and you have FireAttack set to TRUE, the Giants will light on fire... CONFIRMED

I think the drops are doubling, not sure why. If you notice this, please comment and I will start to bug test it.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 6, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 6, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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