

autoUpdate.enabled - Should FastCraft update automatically?
autoUpdate.checkInterval-Mins - How often should FastCraft check for updates? (In minutes)
fastCraftDefaultEnabled - Should FastCraft be enabled for all players by default?
buttonPrevItem - Item to use for the Back button in the interface.
buttonNextItem - Item to use for the Next button in the interface.
buttonHelpItem - Item to use for the Help button in the interface.
buttonCraftItem - Item to use for the Crafting button in the interface.
buttonRefreshItem - Item to use for the Refresh button in the interface.
disabledRecipes - Items that cannot be crafted with the FastCraft.
disabledIngredients - Ingredients that can't be used to craft items.
notifyPlayersOnUpdate - Players to be notified of FastCraft updates on login.
language - Language to display messages in. See languages for list of language codes.


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