EzInfo [SUPPORTS 1.9]


What is EzInfo? EzInfo is easy plugin for easy info via commands.

This plugin uses Metrics, to track anonymous data about servers using this plugin. It will help the future developement. But you can disable it in plugins/PluginMetrics, set opt-out to true


  1. /ei, /ezinfo, /ezinfo help - This command shows you all EzInfo commands
  2. /fb, facebook - This command shows you your Facebook page
  3. /skype - This command shows you our your skype username
  4. /staff, /team - This command shows you your staff
  5. /ts, /teamspeak - This command shows you your TeamSpeak IP
  6. /twitch - This command shows you your twitch
  7. /twitter - This command shows you your twitter
  8. /vote - This command shows you your vote page
  9. /web - This command shows you your web URL
  10. /yt, /youtube - This command shows you your YouTube chanel
  11. /vip - This command shows you your VIP offer
  12. /googleplus, /google+, /g+ - This command shows you your Google Plus page
  13. /ezinfo reload - This command reload the configuration file of the EzInfo
  14. /ezinfo regenerate - This command regenerates configuration file


  1. ei.* - Allow you use all EzInfo commands
  2. ei.fb - Allow you use fb command
  3. ei.skype - Allow you use skype command
  4. ei.staff - Allow you use staff command
  5. ei.ts - Allow you use ts command
  6. ei.twitch - Allow you use twitch command
  7. ei.twitter - Allow you use twitter command
  8. ei.vote - Allow you use vote command
  9. ei.web - Allow you use web command
  10. ei.yt - Allow you use yt command
  11. ei.vip - Allow you use vip command
  12. ei.googleplus - Allow you use googleplus command
  13. ei.reload - Allow you use reload command
  14. ei.regenerate - Allow you use regenerate command


  1. Stop server
  2. Drag EzInfo to plugin folder
  3. Start server
  4. Enjoy





By Karlo4Win (Croatian)


If you want write in config.yml file apostrophe (') please write 2x apostrophe ('') For example: no-permissions: '&4&lYou don''t have enough permissions to use this command!'

If you want disabled some command, go to config.yml and change from <EzInfo command>-enabled: true to <EzInfo command>-enabled: false

# ##############################################
#                                              #
#                                              #
#                                              #
#           EzInfo v1.9 Config File            #
#             Created by gold604               #
#                                              #
#                                              #
#                                              #
# ############################################## 
# PLEASE DO NOT USE IN old_config_name these letters: : \ / < > * ? 
old-config-name: '#old_config_v%version%'
ei-help: '&7This command shows all &bEz&aInfo &7commands'
fb: '&2&lExample message'
fb-help: '&7This command shows you our Facebook page'
fb-enabled: true 
skype: '&2&lExample message'
skype-help: '&7This command shows you our skype username'
skype-enabled: true
staff: '&2&lExample message'
staff-help: '&7This command shows you our staff'
staff-enabled: true
ts: '&2&lExample message'
ts-help: '&7This command shows you our TeamSpeak IP'
ts-enabled: true
googleplus: '&2&lExample message'
googleplus-help: '&7This command shows you our Google Plus page'
googleplus-enabled: true
twitch: '&2&lExample message'
twitch-help: '&7This command shows you our twitch'
twitch-enabled: true
twitter: '&2&lExample message'
twitter-help: '&7This command shows you our twitter'
twitter-enabled: true
vip: '&2&lExample message'
vip-help: '&7This command shows you our VIP offer'
vip-enabled: true
vote: '&2&lExample message'
vote-help: '&7This command shows you our vote page'
vote-enabled: true
web: '&2&lExample message'
web-help: '&7This command shows you our web URL'
web-enabled: true
yt: '&2&lExample message'
yt-help: '&7This command shows you our &cYou&fTube &7chanel'
yt-enabled: true
regenerate-help: '&7This command regenerates configuration file'
config-not-found: '&cConfiguration file not found!'
config-creating-new: '&bTrying to create a new configuration file...'
config-sucessfully-created: '&aSucessfully created a new configuration file!'
config-error: '&cError while creating new configuration file!'
reload-help: '&7This command reload the configuration file of the EzInfo!'
command-disabled: '&4&lThis command is disabled!'
not-ingame: '&4You must be in game if you want use this command!'
no-permissions: '&4&lYou don''t have enough permissions to use this command!'
help: '&7Below is a list of all &bEz&aInfo&7 commands:'
sucessfully-reloaded: '&aSucessfully reloaded configuration file!'
args: '&cToo much arguments, try use /ezinfo for help!'
sucessfully-regenerated: '&aSucessfully regenerated configuration file! Your old configuration file has been saved to &c%path%'
sucessfully-regenerated-no-saved-cfg: '&aSucessfully regenerated configuration file! &cYour old configuration has not been saved! (Old cfg not found)'

Community translations

Translate this plugin to your language and help other! If you have already translated send me PM!

Donate Me <3

If you like my job you can support me by clicking here or clicking on the image above.

To do list

  1. Enabling/Disabling EzInfo commands ✔
  2. Better reload system ✔
  3. Regenerating config file ✔


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 5, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Mar 7, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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