


# Disable fast-travel when nether portals.
classic-portal: true
# End portals will spawn players at the end's world spawn.
end-spawn: true
# Messages when players have traveled through portals.
travel-output: true
    # Messages when traveling to over-worlds.
    overworld: Welcome back young traveler.
    # Messages when traveling to nethers.
    nether: Journey beyond the depths of the world.
    # Messages when traveling to end worlds.
    end: This is not the end but the beginning.


# Chat message format.
chat-format: '&r[&7%prefix%&r] %displayname%&r: %message%'
# Server chat message format.
server-format: '&r[&b%server%&r] %displayname%&r: %message%'
# Allow bungeecord support for cross server chat.
bungeecord: true
        # Prefix that can be replaced depending per group.
        prefix: groupprefix
        # Suffix that can be replaced depending per group.
        suffix: groupprefix


# Allow me and only me to view running components.
ewized: true


# Players starting balance at first join.
start-balance: 50
# The name for the server's currency plural.
currency-name-plural: Credits
# The name for the server's currency singular.
currency-name-singular: Credit
# The name for the server's currency
    # The name of the ATM sign
    name: ATM
    # The amount that each credits will be per item.
    exchangeamount: 1.0
    # The item id to be exchanged with.
    exchangeitem: 388


# The message when players first join the server.
first-join: '&e%player% has joined this world for the first time.'
# Message when a player joins the server.
normal-join: '&e%player% has connected.'
# Message when a player leaves the server.
normal-leave: '&e%player% has disconnected.'
# Message when a player joins after the break time.
break-join: '&e%player% is back from a break.'
# The time in long before it uses the break message.
break-time: 1209600000


# What makes a sign a protect sign.
sign-name: Protect


# Change the players displayname color.
random-color-name: true
#Change the players name in the tablist.
tablist-name: true
# The color codes that are used for the name colors.
colors: a b d e 9 6 5 3 2


# Allows players to re-spawn after death to the default world not current world's spawn.
respawn-default-world: true
# Allow players to set their bed location during the day.
bed-day: true